just to make sure im not wasting any money help me decipher this... link...
"Standard Frankenlift I: $851.84
The Standard Frankenlift Kit uses Pre-Assembled Rancho 17505 Front Struts, OME927 H/D Front and Rear OME948 H/D Coil Springs, Rear Rancho 17004 Shocks, All J Products Proprietary Poly Parts, Left and Right Daystar Upper Strut Plates, All Hardware needed and all stem cushions needed, and Rear extended Bump Stops. Also included with each kit is an original artwork Frankenlifted Decal!
Frankenlift I Premium: $891.82
Same as the standard Frankenlift, except uses OME132L Long Travel Shocks and Rancho 17505 Struts.
Frankenlift II: $974.94
Same as the standard Frankenlift, except uses OME NS131 Front Struts instead of the Rancho struts (uses Rancho shocks).
Frankenlift II Premium Kit: $1014.92
Same as the standard Frankenlift, except uses OME NS131 Front Struts and OME 132L Long Travel Rear Shocks (instead of the Rancho counterparts).
All Kits above come pre-assembled."
the franky II premium is the best kit right? i dont have a metal front bumper and dont intend to get one, but want to avoid any sag due to aging springs in the future...dont even know if this is relevant or not, just remember something about that. so kit II premium is best for my 06 right?