yeah, there's a few guys on another forum i'm on that debate this all the time...but they have taken the time to get a used oil analysis done...and for most of them...their oil still meets or exceeds spec even at 8-10K miles (pretty sure they were using Mobil 1 Synthetic.)
the thing is...the ONLY way to know for sure is to get a UOI done on YOUR motor with YOUR driving habits.
i feel pretty safe going 5K miles on dino oil for my daily driver, which sees about 20K miles a year. for our van, i run synthetic at 5K miles OCI's, but it has a lot of stop and go, short trips, etc.
i know it's only a 2K mile difference, but i still think 3K mile OCI's are a thing of the past, engraved in the minds of "old-timers" and marketed by the oil companies as a way to improve profits.
btw...check out for more info on this heavily debated