Nice looking Jeep!
But I must say that I like yours better. \

Tell her to be very careful in the rain with those tires(Did I already tell you this?). They will slide(sideways) and will also lock up under hard braking situtions. Seems like she has been taking out a few curbs. \

/ The white letters are almost gone.
Would be best for her to get some better tires before they get alot of miles on them. The tire that you have on yours is a purty good street tire.
They have three different kinds of Geolander H/T-S tires on tirerack. They all are good, but I cannot figure out which one you have. :-s]#1[/url] Believe this one is it.]#2[/url]]#3[/url]
Shew, I get OT to much. ](*,)