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Well I live in a very rural Area with lots of dirt roads etc. so I decided to put a Mopar rear window deflector on my Liberty to keep the back window a little less mucky. I measured the template 4 times drilled the holes and put the nutserts in, so far so good. Then I mounted the brackets to the truck and when I go to put the deflector on only 2 of the 4 holes line up I tried switching the brackets (thinking I had them backwards) but then none of the holes lines up So I switched them back and bolted the 2 holes that matched up up , one hole was so close that i just wollowed it out a bit with the drill and it bolted up and the washer covered up the hole, The other though was a quarter of an inch off so I drilled a new hole in the deflector and bolted it on but now I have an extra hole in the deflector ahhhh I am so frustrated sad2.gif