Recent content by David13

  1. D

    Planning trip through Mojave Desert

    For many years I have traveled the western states and Mexico, much in a limited fuel capacity motorcycle. Long ago I found that gas was available almost everywhere. And that I could preplan with Google maps as to where to refuel and how often. If you also have 5 gallons, you should have no...
  2. D

    Starter Issue, or Not?

    I think it was probably about 50 years ago that I first realized maybe by trying it, that it was just easier and faster to just put in a new starter. Of course, I guess there is cleanings and then CLEANINGS. I was never much of a cleaner. With the new starter or even rebuilt, I get new...
  3. D

    Starter Issue, or Not?

    08 Liberty Limited. From time to time when starting, the starter does not disengage. I roll the key back and stop it, and on the second try it does disengage. I guess that is not the starter, but the solenoid, which is usually sold as part of the starter. It does not do this all the time...
  4. D

    Clacking in front end

    Yes, a good part of the reason I don't like to ever have anyone else touch any of my machines. And it can always be something else and something simple. But this did sound like loose ball bearings and a tinny metal sound. And it could be coming from either front wheel. But it did sound very...
  5. D

    Clacking in front end

    I can't get it to do it again. Seems like it only did it when I turned around. A two point turn around on a dirt trail/road. Just ordinary trail/road seems to work just fine. I may half way recall that it did this some long time ago. Maybe a few years ago. I got to get under it, and...
  6. D

    Clacking in front end

    Going into 4 wheel drive on a trail I started to get some solid clacking from the front end, a cv joint. Seems to be from the front drive shaft and I see a lot of videos about replacing it. So that's my suspicion. It also seems to be a little behind the front wheels. So maybe not a front...
  7. D

    42RLE and 45RFE Transmission Filter and Gasket Info

    The way I check the fluid level is, I went online and found a generic made in China ($5 shipped from China) stiff cable with mm marks on the tip, more than long enough to fit in to the bottom of the pan and tell me the level in mm? or is it cc? But in adding fluid the directions say hot, and...
  8. D

    tail light replacement

    If they don't fit, send them back. They say they will fit, so ... I would go to the junkyard. The big chain junkyards have online lookups, and you won't need to concern about paint matching on the tail light lenses.
  9. D

    Intermittent occasional beep, ding, buzz

    Yes, I have thought the alternator could be going out. But it all checks out good. So I can only wait til it completely quits, I guess. Thanks dc
  10. D

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I continue to have intermittent beeping, just one beep, no lights, nothing else. I had had more of it some time ago, so I got a new battery. Well, I went to get a new battery, this was about 4 or 5 months ago. I went into the generic, el cheapo auto parts chain store and asked for the battery...
  11. D

    Intermittent occasional beep, ding, buzz

    It only gives one "ding!" It doesn't continuously do it. And I have yet to see any light with it. But I may have just missed the flash of a light. I had more recently thought of the seat belt. It could be that it loses contact and dings once, normal movement or breathing causing it to make...
  12. D

    Intermittent occasional beep, ding, buzz

    2008 Liberty Limited. 154000 miles. I had started to have an occasional beep or ding from the alert system in the dash or computer several months ago. I had concluded it was the battery getting old and low and got a new battery. The sound stopped. There never was any light that I could see...
  13. D

    Help identify source of an oil leak

    On these wonderful old Ford Tempos, they used to replace the valve cover gaskets left and right, and they would still leak. I don't know if I ever figured out the exact cause, maybe it was the design, but it was meaningless to the leak that they replaced the gasket. The only thing that would...
  14. D

    Help identify source of an oil leak

    It probably comes from someplace high up. I'm going to wildly guess ... valve cover. Wipe it down, and then look upward for new oil. dc
  15. D

    Sunroof minor leak

    There are quite a few videos out there on sunroofs, and basically I think they are all the same. They have a drain hose down the door pillar on each side, maybe two, and the drain hose will clog with dirt, etc., causing a back up and into the interior of ... water. There is a gasket or seal...