Recent content by doublederrick

  1. D

    Squatted jeep

    Thought about replacing the springs just haven't got there yet!
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    Squatted jeep

    So i just replaced the struts/shocks all the way around and the jeep now appears to be squatted. The coils probably could be replaced in the rear I have not done it yet. My question is should I worry about the squat in the rear, will it affect anything?
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    Jeep kj 2005 front diff leak and noise

    I just tore it apart this morning and saw that it wasn't a needle bearing but as you said it's OK to pull that out and just pop in the needle and new seal? And I check diff fluid and inside no metal shavings or any of the sort
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    Jeep kj 2005 front diff leak and noise

    I attached pictures on passenger cv axle there is a shaft labeled 24 in picture then bearing labeled 22 and seal labeled 21 as far as I have been able to research up on it today it seems the bearing and seal is bad cause the noise and leak but haven't found anything else on it.
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    Jeep kj 2005 front diff leak and noise

    On my jeep as of recently this winter I threw it onto 4 wheel because of some snow we got. Turning it into 4 wheel has no issue linkage checked ofc all good. After thrown into 4 and taking a left turn I hear a big pop or thunk noise and continued to drive it as it went away. Driving still any...