Recent content by jeeptorino68

  1. jeeptorino68

    3-5 inch lift

    Search "frankenlift" RRO has a 3 inch oift you could combo that with clevis spacers / drop, and stack extra isolators in the back... But there are probably some control arm issues you will run into....
  2. jeeptorino68

    Crank but no start Cherokee Sport 2.4 2002... *Update: This has been solved, it was a broken Cam Belt (I won't be trusting AA diagnosis again)

    How about grounds? Check the cable at the battery. Continuity to the body/frame and to the engine block. The computer will also have a ground strap right at it. Check and clean them all
  3. jeeptorino68

    Question about 4.7L V8 in the WJ/WK/XK — need advice

    I disagree with most. Went out of my way to find our 4.7 wk. It runs great just like the 3.7 when properly maintaned. That said dont overheat them and keep up on the oil changes. I like that they are the same engine so I know how to work on each. Our 4.7 runs great. I do agree the trans shifting...
  4. jeeptorino68

    Exhaust bolts to Cat Converter?

    I just replaced the bolts with stainless steel and large washers. Kept the factory springs. Got everything at the local hardware store
  5. jeeptorino68

    KJ parts, ironman 4x4 lift kit + many extras JBA UCA, skid plate + more

    Price on tow hooks and shipping? Send me a PM.
  6. jeeptorino68

    Jeep Liberty KJ JBA Upper Ball Joints

    How much use or miles or old are they?
  7. jeeptorino68

    SuperPro Polyurethane Bushing

    Havent used them on the KJ, but have on my WK front diff bushings. Great price, product, service and quality.
  8. jeeptorino68

    High fuel consumption

    I have the same setup and get the same mileage in my 2002. I often wonder about the calipers too or the wheel bearings. Ive replaced both, but on flat ground in the driveway or garage the jeep is incredibly difficult to even push by hand. When replacing the wheel bearings the axle nut torque...
  9. jeeptorino68

    HELP! Is there a guide to remove A/C Evaporator?

    Here is a link to my heater core "how to" post
  10. jeeptorino68

    Engine stutters when AC is on

    Mines doing something similar. Infact when driving you can kind of feel it "engage" also the air is cool....not cold. Idle speed is steady around 650 without a.c., maybe a touch lower when the compressor runs
  11. jeeptorino68


    I would bolt some to the bumper. Easier installation, easier wiring. No glare off the hood. Ive had lights on the roof of other trucks. The distance you get light is good, but I prefer bumper or front mounted for ease of installation. Get LED
  12. jeeptorino68

    2004 Gas tank skid plate install help

    My 02 had a factory installed tow package. I just unbolted the hitch. Liwered it down. Put the skid up, then the hitch over it. Bolts back in and done. Its true they are welded in the frame, or are welded to strips that are inserted into the frame. Either way the nuts should be captured.
  13. jeeptorino68

    Front Timing Cover Leak

    Had the same. It was the front balancer shaft seal
  14. jeeptorino68

    bad clunk over bumps following front bilstein install

    Are all the control arms torqued to spec? If not, that can and will cause clunks
  15. jeeptorino68

    Question about Goodridge SS brake hoses...

    Yes, you are missing and e clip and the tab. That allows it to bolt up to the factory location. I broke one e clip during my installation and substituted it with some wire to retain the bracket.