Recent content by kavno

  1. K

    smittybilt 7605 tow hooks?

    Yay!!! Goodbye more money! Haha thanks any way. Good to know before I go wasting time and money. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  2. K

    smittybilt 7605 tow hooks?

    anybody know if I can use these on my kjs front bumper? I really dont want to fork over $120 for some oem ones :mad3:. and if so where would be the best place to drill the holes? ill even consider on top of the bumper like some wranglers ive seen.
  3. K

    Sout fort worth

    I'm located in the south Fort Worth, Texas, area and I was wondering where I can do some mild trail riding this spring and summer. (My kj is still 4x2 :( if that changes anything) thanks in advance and im up to travel a little.
  4. K

    What to do next...

    Was looking at ome and I will look at iron man. I will definitely research from that page Thanks Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  5. K

    What to do next...

    Thanks I will start with the small things, and probably lift it since my suspension is on the fritz anyway. The 4x4 might have to wait for a while. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  6. K

    What to do next...

    Good info there. Thanks. And I'm wanting low budget because I'm in college thus broke. I think im going to start a progress thread like you (profdlp). Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  7. K

    What to do next...

    What about some side lights on my roof rack? Any opinions? And I kinda want external back up lights but ill probably do those as well :P Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  8. K

    What to do next...

    heres the lights im looking at. I might get some piaa driving lights (hi/low beam ones) instead of the apollos. The cheap ones are $12 hellas. As for the wheels I will rotate them tomorrow and see if the issue persists.
  9. K

    What to do next...

    I checked fender heights and the front it pretty close to level and the back passenger side is sagging about 1/4in opposed to the other. Not as bad as I thought. Must have been an optical allusion. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  10. K

    What to do next...

    By a ton I mean good quality front driving lights (KC/PIAA) and then cheap ones for reverse lights ect (hella). And should I do the lift before or after the front diff and axle install? Also thank you for the advice. Im building a plan by doing research and asking advice, thats why I made this...
  11. K

    What to do next...

    I Will definitely work on finding the cause of the pull this week. I didnt think of the front brakes. hope i can fishout the issue soon. Thank you. as for after that is resolved what should I do... Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
  12. K

    What to do next...

    Im in the long process of overhauling my jeep and another issue arose. Im going to verify this tonight and post some measurements, but I think my kj is leaning to the right and possibly causing a heavy pull on the steering. (Any ideas as to a heavy right pull untill about 60mph where it lightens...
  13. K

    Rear gate rattle

    Thanks for the tip. I think im going to try running some bolts through it and see if that helps. I also ordered a cheapo rack that I plan on mounting differently than its supposed to and probably beefing it up as time passes. I plan to mount some KCs to it when I get the $$$ Sent from my...
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