THE COMPASS IS LITERALLY A PIECE OF CRAP!! I test drove it and i felt like i could run faster than it! And to everybody, i would love to go mudding down here and soon im hoping i will! So im not just for looks but for now i am.
Nevermind I just read and it said it will not come off but it did say you can see alot of light through it. Do you think i could get pulled over for it because im going to college soon and the arehas cops that are strict. And again do you think i could do it because im not handy.
hey guys i have a question about my hubcaps...i have like a shiny kind of hub cap if you know what i mean and i was wondering if i am able to paint it black? does anybody know?
Oh yea i have a question about my hubcaps...i have like a shiny kind of hub cap if you know what i mean and i was wondering if i am able to paint it black? does anybody know?
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