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  1. boboborino

    Really bad draw

    Wouldn't even think of it! We've (my wife and I)been there done that. Believe me your kid(s) will be waaaaaaaay better off in the long run! I can definitely relate to how stress-full it is when your only vehicle breaks down. I am glad you got it worked out. Enjoy Life and your family. Bert
  2. boboborino

    Seat cover recommendations?

    I was happy with Caltrend. I had the supersuede. CalTrend SuperSuede Seat Covers - Water Repellant Synthetic Suede Car Seat Covers for Trucks & SUVs - Best Price on Cal Trend Super Suede Seat Covers Bert
  3. boboborino

    jeep wheel spacers*

    Yes Bert
  4. boboborino

    Jeep Getting an X-mas present?

    So that would be Taxmas time? MERRY TAXMAS! It could work? :shrug: Bert
  5. boboborino

    Git It Garage CRD Youtube Series

    JaysonJ, don't forget to say that shining your headlights backwards is for off road use only! Bert
  6. boboborino

    Very "Cool" KJ video

    Ya that was good. I think he thought if he went all the way down he would have been screwed, but turning around is the first thing I usually try to do. Momentum (and seeing where your going) is your friend! Always tricky when you start sliding though. Bert
  7. boboborino

    pet pics

    Maybe even the Greatest Dane! (dunno) Bert
  8. boboborino

    Voltage Ohm Meters

    Did not look but does that gadget (Kilawatt meter) come in a 20 amp rated model? now-a-days a lot of things are higher powered (yes a lot of it is gimmicky sales tactics) and I would be careful what you test with that, unless it's internally fused and that fuse is accessible to be changed out...
  9. boboborino

    Building for the Wife...

    Nice work! :High 5: Bert
  10. boboborino

    Building for the Wife...

    I read it as phuck the TPMS, and I agree. He gives you advice which you asked for, and you come off being a dick, because you don't like the advice. Anything that you were trying to avoid, including my post, you have only yourself to blame. Good luck Bert EDIT: If you want to clean up this...
  11. boboborino

    Snow in July :D

    So update, I've used my foam cannon several times now, and I'll say I like it. definitely helps in: a-loosening up the bug juice and other grime/dirt b-Keeping the vehicle sudded up/sudsy as I wash with the wash mitt Rinses off nice and leaves a decent shine. So Hoosier, what soap do...
  12. boboborino

    *New Member* 2004 Jeep Liberty

    Welcome to the forum, Eastern Neighbor! Bert
  13. boboborino

    Hi, my name is Shua...

    Welcome to the forum, northern neighbor! Bert
  14. boboborino

    Preject Red Dawn

    If one can, then they should, thankfully I can. I hate(strong word but fits) dealerships. Bert
  15. boboborino

    pet pics

    Nice pup prof! Some sort of hound? Funny, we (wife and I ) also started talking about getting another dog. Boxer perhaps. But seeing your pup reminded me that I always liked/wanted a schiller stovare (hound) Bert
  16. boboborino

    Optima Yellow Top or...?

    True, but laughing at others is waaaaaay more fun! Bert
  17. boboborino

    Snow in July :D

    Photobucket is screwing themselves! :Grenade: Bert
  18. boboborino

    Snow in July :D

    Ya I ordered one right after I posted that this morning. I got the cheapest one on, which is still more expensive that what you guys pay down there. Has great reviews, basically VERY similar to the one thechemicalguys are...
  19. boboborino

    Optima Yellow Top or...?

    This for the win, because you just never know. I do not have one, but I always thought I should get one. I'm so nervous about draining my battery to the point of no start that I strategically place my Jeep to roll and jump start if needed (Manual), never had to though YET Bert
  20. boboborino

    Snow in July :D

    It's been about a year now, any long term reviews on this? Anyone have recommendations? worth it/not worth it? which one to buy? I'm still pondering on getting a foam cannon for my pressure washer. Bert