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  1. Early native rock art

    Early native rock art

  2. My liberty with the two wranglers that took me back to the cave.

    My liberty with the two wranglers that took me back to the cave.

  3. More rock art

    More rock art

  4. journeyjim

    general rant

    Go to the police with pictures of the jeep, if they don't change his ticket. Get a copy of his passing on the right and take him to small claims court. There are a lot of ways to get even with out confrontation, his insurance company is one way. Just my 2c worth.
  5. At the Mason Ranch ruins in Big Bend National Park

    At the Mason Ranch ruins in Big Bend National Park

  6. On Glenn Spring road in Big Bend National Park

    On Glenn Spring road in Big Bend National Park

  7. journeyjim

    Badlands january 2nd

    What is the location of the badlands?
  8. journeyjim

    Horn(s) not working

    I would start with looking at a ground wire not making contact.
  9. journeyjim

    Howes fuel treatment

    Power service is suppose to clean and increase the cetane rating, plus help keep from gelling, I didn't notice any change, read a report about additives and Howes came out better, it;s suppose to lubricate also. But can only find it at truck stops, Napa doesn't have it or any other part store...
  10. journeyjim

    raw diesel smell

    Start with checking around the fuel filter? is this after you shut it off and still warm, or after it has cooled off? The injection is at extreme high pressure, could be a injector is leaking up on start and then sealing after start? Not sure but throwing ideas out.
  11. journeyjim

    Howes fuel treatment

    Have tried Lucas, and Power service in years past, but picked up a bottle of Howes and after a couple of tanks it seems to be better, haven't done a mileage check yet as it's all been short trips. Anybody else tried this and ran a longer distance trip? I started with the coach and it seemed to...
  12. journeyjim


    When was the last time the fuel filter was changed?
  13. journeyjim

    In limp mode but no engine light - help

    Have you checked the fuel filter?
  14. journeyjim

    Rough Ride

    Smooth ride and good mpg, shouldn't be used in the same sentence with jeep. These are real four wheel drive, off road capable vehicles, so it's not going to ride good on the pavement.
  15. journeyjim

    Hey, what's that noise?

    Have you checked the bushings around the sway bar, and or the shocks?.
  16. journeyjim

    In limp mode but no engine light - help

    In the first picture post, it looks like the same controller that I have on mine. There shouldn't be any noise from it after the engine it turned off. A smoke machine may be needed to find the vacuum leak, unless just a few feet of hose can just be replaced.
  17. journeyjim

    I Simply could not take it any more!

    Neat thought, us fat short people don't have to worry. LOL :whip::whip:
  18. South Padre

    South Padre

  19. Nude beach on South Padre

    Nude beach on South Padre

  20. journeyjim

    Malfunction indicator light flashing when on, PLEASE HELP!

    When the ignition is in the on position and it's not running, I think the light is normal.