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  1. journeyjim

    It finally happened

    I still have warranty, and didn't want the dealer here seeing that I'd done the orm, the dealer in Cali all ready chewed on me for the EHM, I am causing smog, global warming, higher than normal tides, influx of illegal aliens, you get what I mean, The orm is back on line though.:D:D
  2. journeyjim

    How did you end up with your KJ?

    Had a 98 GC with a 4.0, used it for off road and bad weather, had an '05 Passat TDI wagon that was my DD, decided to move no dealer for the VW so it was sold, the GC had a lot of miles, sold it and bought an 05 GC WHAT A POS, kept it six months and traded it on my CRD. Picked it up 06-06-2006...
  3. journeyjim

    So there is GDE in the US...

    Pack it really good, and lots of insurance, here when they see the insurance sticker, I think they take a little better care of the packages.:D
  4. journeyjim

    It finally happened

    Took the jeep out yesterday, did some running around. Since it's going in today to have the fuel filter head changed, plugged the orm back in and cleared the codes for the cel light. Started it up and it runs fine in traffic now? This doesn't make any sense to me, if it was sucking air through...
  5. journeyjim

    Are all limted KJs select trac

    First of all congrats on the purchase, your are going to love the liberty, especially when the weather gets bad. This site is a great place, for finding out about the liberty.:D
  6. journeyjim

    It finally happened

    Got a hold of the local dealer, can have the parts here on Monday, so will be going in, to get it fixed. I thought this was a recall? O' well, I was thinking about having the fuel filter replaced anyway.:D
  7. journeyjim

    It finally happened

    The jeep started just fine, drove into town got caught in traffic, after a few red lights, went to take off and it stuttered at take off with a light acceleration, hitting it to 2500 rpm cured it, stopped at a store, came out and it was like it was missing. Got back to the campground and decided...
  8. journeyjim

    CRD Oil requirement

    I guess, that's what I'll have to start doing, haven't changed the oil my self in over twenty years, I had a great mechanic where I use to live and just got out of doing it my self, cause I knew I could trust him to to the right thing. I guess I've just gotten lazy, the last flat tire killed...
  9. journeyjim

    CRD Oil requirement

    It is a full synthetic, or the half bottle they gave me is, what they actually put in I don't know. I know the manual says 5-40 is ok, but I've been running the 0-40 since I got it. I notice it cranks a little longer, when cold. Guess I am going to, start taking my own oil with me, from now on.:D
  10. journeyjim

    Anyone have a worn out leather steering wheel?

    Go junk yard shopping, can't hurt, or just order a new one with out the leather.
  11. journeyjim

    Great Safety Concern With 2006 Liberty, Traction Control Behavior

    The only time I turn mine off, or turn it down, is when I am on two track roads with a lot of snow or in sand, in sand it really helps to turn it off or down.:D
  12. journeyjim

    Heater not working properly

    Does the temp gauge go down when you're sitting at idle? if not it's something in the heating system, a vacuum leak?, I haven't looked at the system to see how it mixes the hot air. When you give it gas can you hear anything behind the dash like a door moving? If your radiator is low, I think...
  13. journeyjim

    Great Safety Concern With 2006 Liberty, Traction Control Behavior

    The only time mine has kicked in, is when trying to take off on a icy surface, and then when it's been in 2W. But then I don't stomp it to try and get out and going. If your still running the ST's thats the majority of the problem.:D
  14. journeyjim

    Engine Dies on highway - 1/4 tank left. :-(

    Can't be any help on the air in the fuel line, but the over flow is normal. I too had it happen, had the dealer change the filler neck on the jeep, there was a small tube off the neck that had a bell shape at the end. Was told it would hold only so much fuel, and after over filling a couple of...
  15. journeyjim

    CRD Oil requirement

    Just got the liberty back from the dealer, I am on the road so this isn't my home dealer. Had both front shocks replaced and the rear end bearings and seals replaced, while it was there had the oil changed. They changed the oil last week, when I was here the first time, had to wait on all the...
  16. journeyjim


    It's finally in the shop, the front shocks, were so bad you could squeeze them with bare hands. I guess I should have been more precise on the noise, it's not the axel, but the rear pumpkin. They have the plate off, it's the pinion bearings and they are going to change the carrier bearings...
  17. journeyjim

    CRD shocks

    The parts just came in, the rancho's are not available, o'well I'll be glad just to have some kind of shock under the front, it is really awful to drive with the front bouncing up and down, not to mention the looks from the wrangler crowd when I go over a speed bump slow and it bounces three...
  18. journeyjim


    Finally after two weeks, the parts are in for my Liberty, I can't believe that I had to wait this long for two front shocks and a rear end bearings. I know that there was a holiday, during this period but still can't believe it's taken this long. They told me that I could even drive it home...