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  1. ptsb5a

    Rear recovery point.

    True Troy, but in the end, it's the 5/8" pin that is in "shear", not the reciever tube or the hollow reciever. The force will be exerted on the pin itself. The tube will be in "tension" Dave, in the Areospace industry, lots of things are made hollow, or have holes punched in them to make...
  2. ptsb5a

    Rear recovery point.

    Does it really matter? The bolts holding the hitch on or the reciever pin will fail before you rip the sides out of that reciever. Stuffs like 1/4" isn't it? When under a shear load, that steel will be plenty strong enough. And even then, it's the D-ring pin and the reciever pin that are in...
  3. ptsb5a

    advise needed

    Well, the marina is nice, but the ice is off the lake in June and back on in Nov. We get about two months of summer here. In fact, I sold my Campion Allante 485 because I spent more on insurance than gas. Put three hours on it the last year I had it. And the oil thing.... don't get me...
  4. ptsb5a

    advise needed

    Right on. Let the SGI Adjuster deal with them. It's the Adjuster's f***ing job. You shouldn't have to deal with morons. In fact, the morons should be freaking happy to have your business. Good luck. I still have a few contacts with SGI's office in Regina, let me know if you need a hand. Ian
  5. ptsb5a

    advise needed

    No Mag, I lived in Saskatchewan. I now live in a crappier place, Cold Lake, Alberta. Google it, I dare you.
  6. ptsb5a

    PLEASE HELP interior LED problem

    A capacitor won't work. They block DC. All LEDs have a PN junction with in them. The two most common materials are Germaniun and Silicon. A germainiun LED requires a threshold voltage (difference in potential) of 0.3Vdc to cause a reaction. A silicon LED will run on a difference of only...
  7. ptsb5a

    advise needed

    I know SGI sucks. Hey, Black Snow, chin up dude. I lived in Saskatchewan for the better part of 18 years and if I learned one thing it was to never ever finalize a claim with SGI until YOU are completely satisfied. Go back to the claims center and speak to your adjuster about the problems...
  8. ptsb5a

    Rear recovery point.

    Option #2. Got a shackle with a 7/8" pin. Fits nicely through the 1" hole in the reciever. Mag, a towstrap is lame and not too elasticy. A recovery strap is cool and makes like a bungee to help yank a stuck vehicle from it's stuckageness. Yep, that's a word now you B****es. Tow = static...
  9. ptsb5a

    Hub replacement

    When it first started to make noise I went with the easy fixes first. Like take off the knobbly tires and put the Craplops back on. Just haven't swapped them back yet. Have to by Saturday morning, heading out with the CLAW (Cold Lake Area Wheelers) to Beartrap Lake. No roads.
  10. ptsb5a

    Hub replacement

    Alright, so the grinding noise at my feet turned out to be a hub. I replaced it but never took the time to take any pics. I felt guilty so I ordered another hub and replaced the other side. This time I took pics. So here goes. Just so you don't think I'm full of crap, here's the invoice. $170...
  11. ptsb5a

    Hub replacement.

    Sorry KK dudes, posted it in the wrong section, should of been under KJ.
  12. ptsb5a

    OME Struts

    I have a strut/spring compressor mounted to the wall at the shop. Think it says Monroe on it, could be wrong. I'll take a pic of it next time I'm there working on stuff. Crap, I thought you were talking about the spring compressor. For the bushings, I torched the rubber out and used an...
  13. ptsb5a

    OME Struts

    Colin, I can appreciate your delima, I've been to Regina often enough to know that the streets there aren't any better than Moose Jaw or Cold Lake. That said, I've a pair of Rusty's shocks, just rebadged OMEs with over 100K kms on them and they are still good. Believe me, I wasn't easy on...
  14. ptsb5a

    Lift is here!

    I wouldn't have it any other way. No other greasy hands get to touch my KJ. With the exception of the alignment dude. He's cool.
  15. ptsb5a

    Lift is here!

    I'm going to fathom a guess that if the task doesn't involve waxing something, he'll pay to have it done.:icon_lol:
  16. ptsb5a

    Free Roosters - Northern , Ky

    Damn you IC, good one. Carrie throwing away perfectly good cock?
  17. ptsb5a

    Lift is here!

    HJ, I raised an eyebrow at the pic of the front shocks. The OMEs I have in my shed, the stockers that came out and the Ranchos that are in my KJ now all have a plate for the lower isolator and the spring to sit on. Did the Blisteins come with something that slips over the shock and rests on...
  18. ptsb5a

    Lift is here!

    Posted twice, stupid work Intranet connection came up with a 404 Error when I first hit submit. Damn.