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  1. Armysniper


    Tom, I put a top plate this weekend and it took me a few hour's top. And very pleased with the outcome. Will be there untill I can get my $$$ together to get whar we talked about. ;-)
  2. Armysniper


    Go for it, I did a similar install but with OME. 2 conduits per side and a 1/4" top plate for a total of 23" Stock uca's no alignment problems, but when I get the $$$ I will install JBA uca's. To have it right that's all but no contact with the springs no noises. :favorites13:
  3. Armysniper

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I Install a top plate to my 04 and went from 22.5" to 23" :-) So 23" in the front and 22" in the back. Looks good so I'm happy.
  4. Armysniper

    Budget Lift

    I don't have any experience with them, but if you read a lil in this site they will tell you to stay away from it. I just started my self but I read and read and ask. An the answer was stay away from spacer kits. I got OME 927s & 948s and Rancho shocks, around $739 with shipping and I'm very...
  5. Armysniper

    This doesn't look right.

    Wheeee can you post a pic of the liberty lifted. I'm here waiting to look at the finish product.......
  6. Armysniper

    Lift help

    Yes sir, Frankenlift is a lot taller than the ome springs cause they use different parts like spacers and top plates. With that said I have OME spring and Rancho shocks and if I you do 3/8 clevis lift and 3/8 top plate you can get pretty much up there like the frankenlift. Jeeping by Al have...
  7. Armysniper

    Frankie's Coming to Town

  8. Armysniper

    2003 Liberty Nerf bars

    :Big Laugh: I don't think so, but they guys will confirm. Good luck:Big Laugh:
  9. Armysniper

    Random Frankenlift Q's (DIY Frankie)

    Absolutely right!!!!! That's why I order my top plates:icon_razz: I figured that the sprigs won't last as long, right?
  10. Armysniper

    Parts are coming in

    Next to a friend Grand Cherokee 3 days after the lift.:winner_third_h4h:
  11. Armysniper

    Random Frankenlift Q's (DIY Frankie)

    Hey Tom, I call All Js today and the lady. And they will sell the lower spacer by them self and top plates me. So if you get the parts you can add them to OEM 927 and make your own frankenlift:winner_third_h4h:
  12. Armysniper

    Random Frankenlift Q's (DIY Frankie)

    Sorry about the double post
  13. Armysniper

    Random Frankenlift Q's (DIY Frankie)

    Hey Tom, I call All Js today and the lady. And they will sell the lower spacer by them self and top plates too. So if you get the parts you can add them to OEM 927 and make your own frankenlift:winner_third_h4h:
  14. Armysniper

    Frankie's Coming to Town

    Make it happen soldiers. Is a directed orther. Lol jk We are as anxy as you to see the finished product.
  15. Armysniper

    Lift kit options

    Jeeping by Al and Al j Frankenlift check does out. And the guys here have a lot of knowledge. I will listen to them, I did and happy with the results. I just started too and they guide me the right way. Good luck.
  16. Armysniper

    Random Frankenlift Q's (DIY Frankie)

    Thanks anyways Tom:gr_grin:
  17. Armysniper

    Random Frankenlift Q's (DIY Frankie)

    How tall is the bottom spacer?
  18. Armysniper

    Frankenlift help

    Mine were sagged 2-2 1/4" and the angle on the CV's was pretty crazy. With that said I lput a degree finder before and after. And let me tell you guys sagged had more angle than lift it. Just my 2 cents
  19. Armysniper

    Parts are coming in

    Won't let me upload photos now but as soon as I can I will. Is benn there for a week onle 3 conduit on each side and OME springs Rancho shocks after alignment 22" all the way around so a top plate maybe to take the rake off:icon_mrgreen:
  20. Armysniper

    Parts are coming in

    before and after

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