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  1. R

    Custom HID Projectors!

    Looks Awesome!
  2. R

    I have to ask... why HOAT and not reg. antifreeze

    running the jeep with the rad cap or antifreeze cap off good enough? or is there a bleed screw?
  3. R

    I have to ask... why HOAT and not reg. antifreeze

    The heater in my jeep was like a furnace when i went hunting in november. then i lent it to my pal for the month of december. he said he added antifreeze for me. and now that i read this, i think after that i had the problem where it only gets warm enough to defrost the windows but doesnt really...
  4. R

    Heater Core? What to check / costs?

    ohhh mannn.... i dont think i could ever put the puzzle back together... i guess i gotta keep wearing my parka. thats a task i dont think i could do , nor wanna fork out the money for.. up here in canada its mighty cold, but atleast my jeep heats up enough to defrost my windshield
  5. R

    Ome lift kit for canadians

    OME Lift kit -750 Tal & Hadas Bul Bar- 409 JBA UCA's- 395 1.25" wheel spacers- 252 Front Bump Stops- 44 Rear Bump Stops- 29 Rear Coil Isolators (4) - 51 Strut Spacer Plate Set- 28 Total - $1973 Shipping -$234 doesn't include taxes or duty....
  6. R

    Ome lift kit for canadians

    My JBA shopping cart currently consist of a $1900 total, Thats why I wish I could get everything in Canada! I can see $200 in shipping and $300 in duty fees ..
  7. R

    lookin 4 help wheels and tire fitment newb !!

    Tom, local 4x4 got 20% off Dick Cepek tires, and the smallest FC2 tire is 265/75/16..with the ome lift, 2 sets of iso's , strut plate, and clevis lift. Do i stand a chance or lost cause and go with the for sure 245's ? Even if I add wheel spacers, would that help or make it worse?
  8. R

    Ome lift kit for canadians

    okay, im going to put in a JBA order eventually for that stuff, plus I also want to get the Tal & Hadas bull bar which I dont want to see the shipping and duty charges on that..
  9. R

    Ome lift kit for canadians

    Ya, thats what i asked him about, plates, isos and bumb stops. curious what you paid on duty for that?
  10. R

    Ome lift kit for canadians

    Been dealing with David Bond with Ouipack ARB Canada. Seems to be the only OME dealer in Canada.. There out of Montreal,Quebec and here's the quote he came up with for me. Shippings quoted to New Brunswick. Priced a lil bit higher than JBA but between shipping and duty charges. Probably save a...
  11. R

    Going to assume this lift is junk?

    Thanks for the re-assurance. I really want to get it lifted asap, but I should be patient and get the best gear for it. And yeah, alot of 4x4 distributors are in the us , and it kills the wallet by time its shipped and pay duty. 800 bones would quickly turn into 1000 or even 1100 pretty quick...
  12. R

    Going to assume this lift is junk?

    I don't know much about lifts ,or mechanical work rather, and just trying to get the best bang for my buck.(student budget). took my jeep to local 4x4 center and this is what they carried. I would love to get OME/Rancho setup which i hear great feedback from this forum, but I just dont have a...
  13. R

    Heating problems

    having exact issues. any advice will be greatly appreciated.
  14. jeeplib


  15. Da Jeeeeep

    Da Jeeeeep
