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  1. TwoBobsKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Agreed - very disappointed in their poor condition. I'm used to the KJ - even at 210K miles it's far cleaner underneath. Much of my summer will be spent underneath the XK with a wire brush and cans of Rustoleum Hammered Black. Probably replace those dust shields too :blah: Bob
  2. TwoBobsKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Yesterday I replaced the right front hub/bearing in my Commander. Very similar design to the KJ - one hour from start to finish. No more growling/howling during left turns :gr_grin: Bob
  3. TwoBobsKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Replaced the radiator - today. And I mean ALL day too - there are two small 10mm bolts that go through tabs on the trans cooler and A/C condenser into nuts held in "ears" on the side of the radiator. The &(#$*% nuts rusted to the bolts making it impossible to remove the bolts the regular way...
  4. TwoBobsKJ

    Who has flex and who doesn't?

    This goes back a ways - basically just the OME suspension upgrade, with stock wheels, no rock sliders & factory skids. But dang that was a fun trip! Looks a little different now ;)
  5. TwoBobsKJ

    Rock Lizard full length roof rack with led light bar

    If I didn't have the Renegade light bar I might consider this upgrade to the Rock Lizard Gekko I bought from a certain someone on here... Bob
  6. TwoBobsKJ

    Serious rubbing / noises off-roading

    :happy175::happy175::happy175: I'll take that description over some of the others I've been attached to :gr_grin:
  7. TwoBobsKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    You're gonna love Love LOVE those JBA coilovers. A more dramatic improvement to JBA coilovers from OME 927's than from factory crap suspension to OME - in my humble opinion. Marlin did his homework with those for sure :waytogo: I think the coilovers are the best single mod I've done to my...
  8. TwoBobsKJ

    Serious rubbing / noises off-roading

    Yep, listen to Tom. I just haven't bothered replacing my muffler cuz too many other mods that give greater functional or fun improvements than a muffler - just not sexy enough for me I guess... That said, a nice growl while driving would be good to have and would eliminate that embarrassing...
  9. TwoBobsKJ

    Serious rubbing / noises off-roading

    Yep, I'm still running the stock muffler at 210,000 miles (!) and when the right rear wheel is stuffed the rear u-joint hits the muffler. A lovely sound that ensures you're awake :happy175: As for #'s 1 and 2 - JBA control arms are your friend :waytogo: Bob
  10. TwoBobsKJ

    Bell housing to block "shim"

    I'm trying to picture a shim along the bellhousing - I can't remember it at all from when I did my engine swap. Is the shim along the top of the bellhousing or all the way around? As I recall I just lined up the dowels with the holes in the tranny and bolted them back together. Am I...
  11. TwoBobsKJ

    Rock Lizard front bumper

    I'm with Tom - love my ARB. May be a little oversized and protrudes a bit more than ideal but when it comes to construction quality, ease of installation and support from ARB there's none better in my opinion. Installed mine by myself in two or three hours, then put on a winch, fogs and...
  12. TwoBobsKJ

    Gas tank skid issue

    Remove the rear passenger tire and the bolt is right there. Lots of room to swing a ratchet in there to remove it. Or... Get a 2X4 and push the tailpipe out of the way. Personally I like to stay off the ground as much as possible so removal of the rear tire was my preferred method :waytogo: Bob
  13. TwoBobsKJ

    03 liberty crank main bearings.

    The reluctor ring screws are not TTY - the rod bearing, crank bearing and head bolts are all TTY though. Personally I'd get new reluctor ring screws - they're easy to tear up when removing them from the crank. New ones are cheap insurance to make sure the ring doesn't come loose later on...
  14. TwoBobsKJ

    Help! After Trip to Stealership.....

    Great advice - just a couple of points of clarification.... The front diff is a bit different - the cover isn't removed to change the gear oil. There's a drain plug on the bottom (either an 8mm or 10mm Allen wrench) and a fill plug on the side (remove with the end of a a 3/8" ratchet...
  15. TwoBobsKJ

    Libby 05 removing rear sway bar

    It doesn't help the KJ to remove the rear sway bar - it's just that removing it causes no harm or concern. If you're working on the rear suspension and it's in the way you can remove it without worrying about rolling the KJ. The rear sway bar on the Liberty isn't attached to anything but the...
  16. TwoBobsKJ

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Let me know if you run into any bumps along the way - with what you've done so far the rest will be a piece of cake :winner_third_h4h: Bob
  17. TwoBobsKJ

    What overall wheel weight requires regearing?

    Great analogy - I'll be 'borrowing' that one in the future when the issue of gear ratios, torque, etc., comes up :waytogo: Bob
  18. TwoBobsKJ

    North Jersey - Renegade in Junk Yard

  19. TwoBobsKJ

    External Transmission Cooler

    ^That^ My '03 just had the external cooler originally. The original radiator cracked on the upper neck and needed replaced so I got a rad for an '02, plumbed it as you see in the pic and now there are two coolers in series. Between off roading and towing my boat I've tried to keep the...
  20. TwoBobsKJ

    External Transmission Cooler

    I basically did what you're asking about - only in reverse. I added the in-rad tranny cooler to my '03 that has the external trans cooler. As long as you're able to hang the '05s external cooler on the front of your '02 tranny you'll be just fine. Here's what mine looks like. The arrows point...

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