Search results

  1. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Caught a break between rain storms to go out looking for pictures. I'm so into my KJ now, I can't help but capture it too when I go out shooting. I decided to stop here. The harsh winter has caused a lot of flooding and washouts and swollen creeks and rivers. Since I was alone, I didn't...
  2. Jim McClain

    Bogs Down in Reverse UP an Incline

    California is a really big state and, believe it or not, there are large portions of it that are quite remote. I live in a pretty large county, area-wise, but the population is only about 25,000, in tourist season. Eighty miles to a metropolitan area is average for Quincy. One direction it's...
  3. Jim McClain

    Bogs Down in Reverse UP an Incline

    One of the first things I did, when I decided to buy the KJ, was to see if there were any local clubs. The closest club is 80 miles away. They have a website, so I posted about 4-wheelin' in my area. No replies. There's no 4-wheelin' class here either. One of my friends is the local CHP...
  4. Jim McClain

    Bogs Down in Reverse UP an Incline

    Oh no, don't apologize. I needed most all of that information. I know the stereotype about men is we never ask directions. That's never been a problem for me. What is a problem though, is not knowing I didn't know how to use 4WD. In my off road trips, I have always used either Full Time or 4Lo...
  5. Jim McClain

    Bogs Down in Reverse UP an Incline

    Yes, Part Time, Full Time and 4 Lo.
  6. Jim McClain

    Bogs Down in Reverse UP an Incline

    Don'tcha just hate us rookie 4-wheelers? ;)
  7. Jim McClain

    Bogs Down in Reverse UP an Incline

    Learned something new about my KJ today. I got into some loose, heavy gravel and rock near a river bank and actually feared rolling over on its side toward the river. I decided to back up, instead of continuing ahead to turn up to higher ground. I was in Full-Time 4WD, put it in reverse and it...
  8. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Been spending far too many hours in front of my computer lately. I'm s'posed to be retired, damnit. So I decided to go visit a lake I haven't been to in 25 years. It was a nice 45 mile drive there. I stopped to talk with a guy coming from the other direction, in a Wagoneer and painted with some...
  9. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Them's some purrty tires ya got there. :D Kinda fugly rims though, eh?
  10. Jim McClain

    log in not secure

    Sounds like you should know, not all servers are capable of using Lets Encrypt. Mine isn't because Liquid Web bought my host out recently and will gladly let what used to be a pretty good hosting company go to rot so they can move all their customers to Liquids over-priced and under-supported...
  11. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Is this a first? No posts to this thread for a whole day? Well, the day here in Feather River Country was pretty nice. I saw some great looking clouds in the sky and thought I could make some nice photos with them. I took off up a dirt trail that I came down last year after making my way to a...
  12. Jim McClain

    What's on Your Spring KJ to do list?

    Well, I want a roof rack, so cross rails first, then a Rola, I think. I need to figure out a way to strap in a couple o2 tanks on the roof and do it easy. One more skid plate to protect that front diff, maybe a gas tank skid plate. New brake disks and pads are probably going to be needed...
  13. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I thought they didn't work. I wouldn't have posted that if they did. All I saw, on Firefox, was the emoji code, not the emoji. Tonight I see them. Maybe it was my slow-ass connection, but I saw other pictures a lot heavier than an emoji. Oh well.
  14. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Vision 398 Manx Series Gloss Black with Machined Lip 16x8 5/4.5 4.5" back space. They're not real beadlocks. PS: emojis don't work on the forum. You might be able to see them in Tapatalk, but most people don't use Tapatalk.
  15. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I really like these STT PROs - I like the aggressive look, the grip they have on and off road and how quiet they are driving down the highway. But now that I have my engine/tranny skid plate on, the tires rub the front of the wheel well when the wheel is almost locked left or right and going...
  16. Jim McClain

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Drove to Reno, NV (80 mi. 1-way) in the rain this morning. First stop, VA doctor (good news: I'm still alive); second stop, breakfast, then picked up my new glasses (new lenses in some frames I had 2 prescriptions ago - always liked those frames); last stop, finally got that flawed wheel...
  17. Jim McClain

    Somebody please help me select lift parts!

    Well, there certainly could have been changes since I spoke with them last September. A lot can happen in 6 months in the business world.
  18. Jim McClain

    log in not secure

    I certainly do agree about the links styling and can't think of a good reason anyone could come up with to ignore that problem so long. However, that doesn't have anything to do with converting to https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). The links thing is part of the styling of this (or any)...
  19. Jim McClain

    A saftety recall from 2015

    Are you sure you aren't referring to the recall that actually involves you getting a proper trailer hitch/tow package to prevent damage to the gas tank in the event of a rear end collision? The fix is a free receiver. This recall has been around for years. Or is this something else? How about...
  20. Jim McClain

    log in not secure

    The security of has not changed or become compromised. Of course, I don't have access to their server, but as a webmaster and owner or manager of other forums running this software and this type of server, I can say this is an issue with Google and the various browsers that are being...