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  1. F

    Ironman lift pics added Pg 2 and 5

    I'm very interested in the use of this lift. The height would be enough for a KJ. I will follow with big interest your experience with the lift.
  2. F

    order at Rustyoffroad

    Does anyone phone them from US to get their mail adress? and then, post it here in order to have it for me. Well, I know I ask a lot. But Thanks. :party52:
  3. F

    order at Rustyoffroad

    Le seul endroit ou j'ai trouvé ce que je cherchais , c'est Rustyoffroad. J'ai juste besoin que quelqu'un me donne leur adresse E-mail pour envoyer ma commande. Merci. The only shop where I found what I am looking for is at Rusty's. That's why I need that someone gives me their mail adress to...
  4. F

    order at Rustyoffroad

    Thanks. But it isn't for my liberty. I need some parts for my XJ (straps, spacers and shackles) and then, if the order works and go to me, I will order other parts.
  5. F

    order at Rustyoffroad

    :party52: Hello, folks. I need some help. I want to order several parts at Rustyoffroad from France but it's impossible by their website when you are abroad. So, can someone in the US provide me an E-mail adress of this company? I know you are about to tell me "phone them" but my english...
  6. F

    KJ Trim Levels around the World

    :party52: Well, in France, we call them Cherokee. Two engines: 3,7 V6 gas and 2,8 CRD diesel. But now, because of environmental issues and new rules coming from European Union, the V6 is not imported any more. And the CRD has a big tax on it because it pollutes. And EU doesn't like 4X4. They...
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    KJ in the french Alpes Montains

    I spent few days in the french alpes. Snow was everywhere, driving in the snow was not so difficult with the KJ. I haven't had to put the chains on the wheels, it was easy to drive on the snow in full time. A pleasure and I like more and more this rig!;) near where I was lodging - 1500...
  8. F

    oil consumption

    wavey.gif I've just made about 2000 km in one week without adding any oil. I checked the level after this mileage and i've had a good surprise. The level was correct. It seems that the engine didn't use oil. I don't understand but it's good news.:)
  9. F

    oil consumption

    well, the engine seems to run well, no weird smoke and no leack.kopkrab.gif I will try to check carefully the level and precisely, I have to drive about 2 thousand kilometers next week. I will check the level after this mileage. It wil be a good tendancy.:)
  10. F

    oil consumption

    Well, i've got a 2,8 CRD model 2007. I need to check everytime the oil level. I think the engine uses oil because I have to add oil to get the level required. What about yours? do you need to add oil every each 1000 kilometers? :confused: thanks for your answers.
  11. F

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas :)Joyeux Noel à vous tous:) :)merry Christmas all of you:)
  12. F

    Hello from Paris (France)

    I understand what you mean. A KJ is not only a car. It's a Jeep! ;);)
  13. F

    Hello from Paris (France)

    Pics of my rig I've posted pics of my car on the thread "Your KJ in snow" :)
  14. F

    Post Your KJ in Snow!

    Driving on the snow in Europe Some pics taken when I stopped in a rest area on the highway from Paris to Strasbourg near the german boarder. Hard to drive on these roads with plenty of snow.lol3.giflol3.giflol3.gif
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    Hello from Paris (France)

    The car is grey, has tinted windows, 43000 km. The engine is a bit noisy when cold but it sounds good.
  16. F

    Hello from Paris (France)

    Hello, folks. I just bought a very nice KJ 2.8 CRD 2007 two weeks ago. It was a dream that becomes reality. This car is pleasant to drive. I like the automatic transmission. We are not used with this kind of transmission in Europe. In fact, it's difficult to find a forum about KJ owners in...