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  1. teckman02

    anyone ever do a seat swap?

    lets go get them i got the bolt cutters
  2. teckman02

    anyone ever do a seat swap?

    Yeah Tom them seats were nice to ride in on the badlands trip hey did he ever put them in the JK
  3. teckman02

    RB1 nav head unit and GPS ant.

    Yes Caravan (2002-2007) Concorde (2002-2004) Dakota (2002-2004) Durango (2002-2003) Intrepid (2002-2004; model year 2000 also confirmed) Liberty (2002-2007) Neon (2002-2006; 2000 SE and 2001-2002 R/T confirmed) PT Cruiser (2002-2006) Ram pick-up (2002-2006) Sebring convertible...
  4. teckman02

    RB1 nav head unit and GPS ant.

    Decided to sell my RB1 I am asking 375 shipped you will get the head unit the GPS ant. I don't have the OEM nav disk but I do have a copy of the nav disk that I made
  5. teckman02

    2 More "New Jeep" Models In Pipeline

  6. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    Links not working
  7. teckman02

    2 More "New Jeep" Models In Pipeline

    They made one trying to find to pic of it
  8. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    Why not?
  9. teckman02

    In channel deflectors or the other kind?

    i like the in-channel better i have some stick on's on the KJ and i think that they look cheap i have been wanting to get some in-channel's for the KJ and the WJ for a wile
  10. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    is that the same shade that they used on FC concept last year?
  11. teckman02


    To bad that that power Trax won't work in the D 44a
  12. teckman02

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    ThunderbirdJunkie and i started pulling out the engine out of the WJ also have some mud to clean out hope to have the hest out next weekend also picked up a few new tools :BANANA: :BANANA:
  13. teckman02

    Instrument Cluster

    it was 06 when they started to use CAN bus for som of the KJ systems
  14. teckman02

    2006 KJ: What Package is this?

    go get yourself a build sheat of it from the vin
  15. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    i just want to see what the aftermarket comes up for it like ARB
  16. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    this is from lost
  17. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    my point exactly i watched the raw video of it off road and on road on the Chrysler Group Media Website and it has a lot going for it
  18. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    also if you don't have anything nice about it shut up please there is already enough hate in this damm world thank you
  19. teckman02

    2014 Jeep Cherokee Pics

    i was going to post the press kit without clicking but the forum wont let me