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  1. Searcher67

    What is a "Tone Wheel"?

    and I thought "tone wheel" was going to be something like the "KANOODER VALVE"
  2. Searcher67

    Is this wax good???

    I like maguire products.. I use them all the time for my Libby... That sounds like an older product though I think it will still do the job.. We don't have exquisite paint jobs on our Libbys, so as long as you have a wax on (wax off, sorry just had to) then your good. I used to have...
  3. Searcher67

    KJ pet peeves

    Sounds like he's binding on dry pavement....
  4. Searcher67

    Jeep liberty wheel wells cleening

    Water hose? Maybe... Before my pressure washer I would park my Toyota 4runner on the grass and stick a fan type grass sprinkler under for awhile. That would get most of the thick crap out, then sit underneath with a hose and brush and go to town. After I got all that, then I would take a rag...
  5. Searcher67

    KJ pet peeves

    I agree about the rear hatch button. Many times I have come out in the morning to find that my hatch had been open all night. I figured out that when I remove my keys from my pocket, I must hit that damn button.
  6. Searcher67

    Liberty TENT????

    Where we camp we have bears..So, I usually have the Jeep escape pod ready to go fast if need be.. Would be kinda funny jumpin in the Jeep and taking off draggin the tent behind us..If it were not for the kiddes I wouldn't be so quick as to run..I'm more of a shoot first ask questions later kinda...
  7. Searcher67


    I agree that you would most definately be better off purchasing a new set of drivers... You really don't want someones OEM speaks! The first thing I did when I got the Libby is get rid of all the stock stereo equipment. Pioneer HU and Boston acoustic drivers, sounds great. The only thing that I...
  8. Searcher67

    Its inpection time....

    Welp, brakes done....That was easy! took about an hour...The rotors were STUCK! Had to slam them with the dead blow a few times, but they gave in! We used to have the carlonoscopy in Md too, not sure what they do there now though. Here in PA they plug you into the state computer for OBDII...
  9. Searcher67

    Its inpection time....

    Emission testing is nothing but a money making SCAM for the state! So, is yearly inspections.,.OK , the inspection is fine, but every year. I have gone 5 years without anything. How bout lets make it every 3 years. And get rid of emission testing altogether,
  10. Searcher67

    Its inpection time....

    Well, last year at my inspection I was told that the rotors would pass but just barely.. So, this year I am going to replace the rotors and pads before I go for inspection...Should be a pretty quick and dirty job....I don't think I have ever had a vehicle that gets that much brake dust on the...
  11. Searcher67

    Liberty TENT????

    You know, I wouldn't be surprised if someone out there hasn't done that ! If you put a tube on the exhaust pipe and channel it out to the front then You could use the heat.. Why did I say that?
  12. Searcher67

    Liberty TENT????

    OK, if this picture works explain something to me... First whats the point? If you look at the picture you will notice that the tent door is on the same side as the way the gate opens. So are you going to have the tailgate, tire and all inside the tent? The description the ad gives is that...
  13. Searcher67

    Let me know what you think!

    I too have an 800 watt inverter, doubt I could run a shop vac on it, but you know I'm gonna try in a few min! I like how its mounted.. I use mine for the lap top, phones and camera chargers when we go camping. Theres NO outlets out there!
  14. Searcher67

    fire extinquisher

    Yep, flying items can hurt....Thats why I strapped mine down with two straps rather than the plastic bracket it came with.. The velcro straps that I used are 1/2 in wide.. I think I got them at Lowes..
  15. Searcher67

    fire extinquisher

    I drilled four holes through my shelf about 2 inches like this: O O O O Then I threaded a velcro strap through each set, now I can velcro the fire extiguisher down. Hard to move easy, to remove! YOU HAVE TO DRILL THROUGH THE CARPET FIRST, if you go up through...
  16. Searcher67

    Hella problem....

    Better take extra fuses and relays... IF your fuse is not correct amps/volts then you risk blowing the relay and or buring your wiring.. Thats why I made sure everything was connected as per instructions (except for the triggger) everything is fused properly, I haven't smelled that acrid...
  17. Searcher67


    Can't live with them.....Can't _______ them!!! Cheaper to KEEP er! Who ever coined that phrase sure knew what HE was talking about!
  18. Searcher67


    Someone said "what she needs and what she CAN take are two different thngs" If this is in the context of what a woman can take in a divorce, you are SADLY mistaken! My EX took everything...YES I mean EVERYTHING..Right down to my socks and underwear!! When I got back to the apt. I had a...
  19. Searcher67

    Built my rear cargo shelf today

    I cut out the birch plywood to fit (measurements found on this board) Then I cut out 7/8 X 1 1/14 pine shelving board (I ripped them on my TS), then I just cut them to length and laid them out along the perimeter. Once I had them all cut out I glued and air nailed them to the ply from...
  20. Searcher67

    Built my rear cargo shelf today

    It really is very easy to...Just take your time on the covering because thats what everyone sees!!