Search results

  1. Big Al

    Check the gas and fill the oil

    My KJ is new to me, had it about 6 months and I bet I've added about 10 quarts to it. No need for an oil change in my eyes. It's a 3.7 L and is either burning oil or leaking while driving, not much oil on the ground when it's parked and no blue smoke. A puff of blue when I start it while it...
  2. Big Al

    Muffler Time

    Putting on my snow tires and rims, I noticed all the seams on my muffler has let go. Still sounds ok and don't smell any exhaust in the cab, but what are you guys using. Tailpipe and cats are OK. 1. Magna-flow 2. Walker 3. Other brands
  3. Big Al

    Heated seat not working

    Starting to use the heated seat and I don't feel any heat on the bottom seat cushion. Lots of heat on the back cushion and the hi and low setting work good. Anyone know where to get a new element or is there a fuse for each bottom and back cushion. Maybe a burnt out pin in the connector under...
  4. Big Al

    Time to replace the catalytic converter

    My 2003 3.7 L has had the P0420 since I purchased it a month ago. Mechanic says I need a new converter. So is there 3 Cats on this Jeep. Buy OEM or has anyone had good luck with aftermarket ones.
  5. Big Al

    Hello from B.C. Canada

    Hello all, It looks like I found the right place to start fixing up the new to me 2003 3.7L Liberty Renagade. Daughter wanted and SUV that didn't leak and would be a little more reliable than this jeep. Her A/C clutch went up in smoke while she was crossing a bridge and was panicking and calling...