yeah already did that, my wife came home from work and said that the ac just went out so after supper I ran it down to the shop and had them check it, well on the way down it started working again, well I went to the shop anyway and they checked it and said the freon was right on and said maybe had a relay that was going so I ran to advance and got another relay and replaced the on that was there and but it still cuts on and off when it wants to, it works great when it is working, it will freeze you right out and there is no short cycling it just all of a sudden stops and you start getting the musty smell like when you turn the switch from ac to just outside air, so then I shut it off and open all of the windows and wait for about 30 mins and then turn it back on and sometimes it comes right back on and sometimes I have to wait a little longer and then it will come back on