" If you have the mechanical fan then I wouldnt worry about cooling capacity of the engine, worry about the transmission. Mine routinely gets near 230F when towing, which is too high for the little bit if towing I do. Never had the light come on though. "
ok, that WAS going to be another worry, for another day. but, since YOU brought it up...... crawling around under mine, i noticed that it looks like the transmission cooler lines go into a stand alone oil cooler, rather than into the radiator like every other automatic transmission vehicle i have ever owned. which is fine by me, just different. i have 2 questions about this subject. 1) i noticed a little oil on one of the lines under the radiator. with 160,000+ miles on this, how concerned do i need to be about it? do these lines seep a bit as age creeps up, or is this impending doom just waiting for any little bump to cause it to rupture, spewing every drop of life giving blood (well, it LOOKS like blood) all over the road? and 2) where is the best place to install a transmission temperature sensor? into the pan, into one of the lines (via a T with hose barbs on each end? or is there a place just waiting for one to be installed, after removing a plug? im not a fan of depending on a light to save my vehicle from death. i want real data. a light is not a bad back up, but gauges are what needs to be there.