Just noticed that today during the yearly technical test. I was doing the brake tester and it was all nice and fine with the front wheels. Then we went to the rears, the rollers started spinning the tires and I started slowly depressing the brake pedal while looking at the tester dials. At some point the readings stopped going up and remained level while the brake pedal kept going down until it literally reached the floor. The braking force was just enough to pass the test but it really didn't feel right. No leaks are visible on the brake system and fluid level is normal.
I never had a brake pedal do that on any vehicle so far. I cannot remember whether I ever tried it on the KJ before.In normal driving that never happens. The truck comes to a halt and stays that way at stoplights (it's an auto) with the pedal feeling nice and firm against my leg. So I never tried to push it further down. I even did a real emergency braking the other day and I am positive the pedal never reached the floor.
So, I am kinda dumbfounded now. Brakes seem to work just fine but the pedal behavior does not feel normal. Is it something all KJs do? It's a '07 3.7 with ABS/ESP.
I never had a brake pedal do that on any vehicle so far. I cannot remember whether I ever tried it on the KJ before.In normal driving that never happens. The truck comes to a halt and stays that way at stoplights (it's an auto) with the pedal feeling nice and firm against my leg. So I never tried to push it further down. I even did a real emergency braking the other day and I am positive the pedal never reached the floor.
So, I am kinda dumbfounded now. Brakes seem to work just fine but the pedal behavior does not feel normal. Is it something all KJs do? It's a '07 3.7 with ABS/ESP.