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Ok, last couple of weeks i posted problems with the ABS and brake warning lights being on as well as speedometer not working and odometer not turning.
After changing rear differential fluid and cleaning old sensor and checking wires with no success, i ended up buying and installing a new speed sensor today.
Nothing. At least not at first. But when i started to drive on my way to work, the lights went off, i felt the brakes pulsate a little, and noticed the speedo working. Sort of. The speedo still fluctuates and does not read the correct speed most of the time, and then the brake lights came back on. Its like these things WANT to work, but just wont.
When i pulled the old sensor out, i noticed quite a few metalic flakes on the sensor. I didnt think anything of it. I wonder if there is a lot more metalic crud in the port where the sensor goes? I assume the metal flakes are what is making the sensor go haywire and not work right?
Oh, and now i have another big problem. On the way back from the dealer (closest one was about 50-55 miles away), the jeep stalled on me 2 or 3 times. It stalled once about a week ago too. I just threw it in neutral, restarted it, and put it back in drive. It was fine at first, but then as i got into my home town, it was stalling every few seconds and would continue to stall unless i was really laying on the gas. Its annoying because the power steering stops so its quite dangerous in turns when slowing down. Would this be related to the speed sensor not working? Or is it something else entirely? Its just now becoming a problem. But i had been driving the jeep the last week or so.
This is really making me angry. I just bought this thing a month ago, it has no warranty, and i need it 6 days a week for my second job, the job which pays for the jeep! I cant afford for this thing to keep breaking down. And i was relieved when i bought it because i was finally getting a 'reliable' vehicle. ha. Please! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
After changing rear differential fluid and cleaning old sensor and checking wires with no success, i ended up buying and installing a new speed sensor today.
Nothing. At least not at first. But when i started to drive on my way to work, the lights went off, i felt the brakes pulsate a little, and noticed the speedo working. Sort of. The speedo still fluctuates and does not read the correct speed most of the time, and then the brake lights came back on. Its like these things WANT to work, but just wont.
When i pulled the old sensor out, i noticed quite a few metalic flakes on the sensor. I didnt think anything of it. I wonder if there is a lot more metalic crud in the port where the sensor goes? I assume the metal flakes are what is making the sensor go haywire and not work right?
Oh, and now i have another big problem. On the way back from the dealer (closest one was about 50-55 miles away), the jeep stalled on me 2 or 3 times. It stalled once about a week ago too. I just threw it in neutral, restarted it, and put it back in drive. It was fine at first, but then as i got into my home town, it was stalling every few seconds and would continue to stall unless i was really laying on the gas. Its annoying because the power steering stops so its quite dangerous in turns when slowing down. Would this be related to the speed sensor not working? Or is it something else entirely? Its just now becoming a problem. But i had been driving the jeep the last week or so.
This is really making me angry. I just bought this thing a month ago, it has no warranty, and i need it 6 days a week for my second job, the job which pays for the jeep! I cant afford for this thing to keep breaking down. And i was relieved when i bought it because i was finally getting a 'reliable' vehicle. ha. Please! Any help would be greatly appreciated!