My daughters 2006 Liberty Limited started running rough the other day and now has the CEL, the ABS, ESP/BAS and traction control (looks like car skidding) lights on. Took it to auto parts store to pull the code and was a misfire on cylinder #4. Replaced all of the plugs (gapped at .35) and started her up. Seems to run perfect, but the lights are still on. My first question is do I need to drive it for a certain number of miles before the code clears and the lights go off? Or should it be immediate? I don't know if it is still throwing codes, will have it scanned tomorrow morning to check. If it is still misfiring on #4, then I will swap the coil with another cylinder and see if the problem follows, if it does I will replace the coil. Any other thoughts given the symptoms and number of lights I have on? Seems strange that I wouldn't just have the CEL on for this issue.