Ok, so I decided to do something with my exhaust. I have a thrush glasspack on it now, but it's too loud for me. I also have thrush welded muffler laying around. I was thinking about replacing my cat with the glasspack and installing the thrush welded. U was just wandering if it would be ok to run this setup? I would also like to dump it after the axle with a chrome tip like some of the truck guys do. Right now the tip is run straight out the back just under the bumper, I can also leave it how it is. What's everyone's thoughts on this.
First off, what you want to do is illegal in PA and in the US. Most websites also forbid discussions of illegal activity. It will also turn on your engine light. So what? How will you know a problem is starting, until you're broke down, because the engine light has been on for so long?
Next, you're complaining of noise, so you want to cut off the cats(should have a pair of them if it is a V6) and installing another fart can muffler, and dumping it under the body? The cats do a lot for cutting the noise down. So that will not help your situation at all. Next, dumping it under the vehicle is going to make it even more obnoxious. Cut the thrush trash off, and put a regular muffler in. Cheaper, and easier, and fixes the real issue.