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Some oils advertised as synthetic are blends for sure, the truth may be in fine print. But full synthetic oil is just that. It was invented by the Germans in WWII. It kept ******'s tanks rolling long after they normally would. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_oil
Negative, It's not just the blends. Most oils in the US labeled as synthetic are based on organic oil. Mobil 1, Amsoil (except their XL line) & Redline are true synthetics. Most of the others are just a highly refined version of the dino stuff.
Mobil took Castrol to court over the issue. The court determined that since Castrol Syntec was of nearly as high of quality as a true synthetic, then labeling it as a synthetic was fine with them. Of course nearly all other companies followed suit.
That doesn't fly in Europe, so if you buy synthetic there you get synthetic.
The history is basically right, but is off topic. FWIW, that is why ****** moved into North Africa almost immediately. Making the synthetics was very expensive & they couldn't make enough for a prolonged war. He also tried to use his hatred of the jews to appeal to the oil rich Arab countries to form strategic alliances to get at the crude.
There is an excellent book called "The Prize" by Daniel Yergin that outlines the history of oil essentially from the beginning of human existence to mid 1990's. Naturally the important stuff (& the main portion of the book) starts in the mid 1800 when they discovered that the muck bubbling from the ground was actually useful as a fuel.
The process was invented long before WWII, but in Germany.
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