general rant

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Clyde Frog

Full Access Member
Dec 13, 2009
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Central Mass
I would have followed him as well to get the plate whether he was 17, 25, or 85. There is no excuse for a hit and run. He needs to be beaten. :)


Full Access Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Georgian Bay Ontario
It is strange that his mirror hit yours, Rams are much higher and I would have thought the plow would have hit considering how close the vehicles were.


Jul 15, 2005
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SW Ohio
Damn. Human beings never cease to disappoint the hell out of me! Im glad it didnt happen to me because Id have had a hard time not showing my 1911! Son of a ***** hits me and takes off! Then the ******* claims that I am the problem!!! Punk ass *****

And this is why gun nutz have a bad name. That steel penis extension has no business being mentioned in this conversation. This person who can barely contain themselves in these situations is exactly who should not have a gun. If anyone should have been in danger of getting a gun drawn on them it is the guy illegally restrining the motion of the truck , jumping out and going storming onto SOMEONE ELSE'S PRIVATE PROPERTY. But it is nice that he adds details to make him look better after it gets pointed out that he was being a hothead.

On the original post:
Remember, you have an admitted hot head with a history giving ONE side of the event. What is amazing is that you guys swallow the Kool-aid.

If the OP wanted to get the plate or identity and leave, why did he not do that and LEAVE instead of " he can drive through the yard"... shows his intent.

IF IF IF doesn't mean crap. DID is all that matters.


Full Access Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Bristol, CT USA
Doublecardan, his mirror hit my window frames ( I guess that's what you would call them. Ill post a pic tomorrow) on my passenger side rear window and rear passenger door, about half way up the window. he was lifted, I am not. Not yet anyway. What Im guessing is, that in his "monkey trying to hump a football" style of driving, he must have slid into me because his lane had 2 feet of snow in it.


Full Access Member
Oct 28, 2009
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Pittsburgh, Pa
There's alot in this world that would be solved with a good-old-fashioned ass-whooping.
The kid that did the hit and run - ass-whooping.
Drawnon for not keeping your head about you when dealing with the kid- ass-whooping.
The kid's friend and dad for trying to jump your butt without all the facts- ass-whooping.
The cop for trying to protect some irresponsible punk kid- ass-whooping.
Incommando evidently just for being you- ass-whooping.
And myself for making generalized statements about people I don't know-ass-whooping.

You see people are much less likely to lose their damn fool minds when they realize that someone out there might just give them the ass-whooping that they deserve.

BTW It ***** you got hit, I just felt compelled to dish out my ass-whooping rant.



Full Access Member
Jul 15, 2009
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South Windsor, CT
I read your rant and agree / sympathize with you 100%. I know I'm old (60), but in my day it wouldn't be an issue. Back then, if I was the 17 yr old punk, the last person on earth I would want to get involved would be my Dad. Make no mistake, my Dad was the nicest guy in the world. But if I screwed up, he would make sure that I did the "right" closed! It's too bad that we can't revert back to the old days, at least when it comes to personal responsibility.


Full Access Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Left coast of WI
No suprise the kid was a A-hole, and his Dad was an everyone that drives a Ram Truck an meathead?:disgust:


New Member
Jan 1, 2011
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I've been driving since I was 16 and the whole time I've kept a clean driving record (I'm now 50 percent of the way to 80). I can say I understand your frustration.

When I was living in L.A. (in my 30s) there was guy in his late 50's tried to get in front of me at a traffic light up on a mountain road where it went from 2 lanes to 1 lane in our direction of travel. Problem was he was too far back from the get go.

He then begins aggressively tailgating me, passed me on a double solid line, then side swiped me when he was about to be hit by oncoming traffic. Happily for me my mirror (undamaged) dug a 3 foot gouge into the passenger side of his brand new Chrysler 300. Then he pulled in front of me, and never stopped. I followed him down a residential road with 4 stop signs, each of which he obeyed- but never stopped to get out and exchange info. Each of those stops gave me time to get his full plate number and make and model of his car. After I had those and after he'd peeled away at the last stop sign- I pulled over to call the police and file a hit and run report.

So the cops I talked to the day I filed the report must have told him that I filed on him, because 2 days after he goes in the local police station and tries to file on me. Cop doing the investigation says - no charges on him (or me) because it's our word against each other and no witnesses, but that he believes me, because I filed first. Other guy got a flag on his DMV record so if he ever did it again he'd have a pattern established, and couldn't pull it twice.

On another situation- My sister- in Chicago was broadsided at an intersection by a kid running a red light, and that was clearly drunk. After the PD did their farce of a report, the kid left and then came back later to get the beer out of his car that he left in the trunk.

The Chicago PD never did a DUI test. And she had to fight (with her own attorney) the kids insurance company for over a year to get financial justice for the damages. To add insult to injury, her insurance company (GIECO) dropped her because she insisted on fighting.

People stink.


Jul 15, 2005
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SW Ohio
Doublecardan, his mirror hit my window frames ( I guess that's what you would call them. Ill post a pic tomorrow) on my passenger side rear window and rear passenger door, about half way up the window. he was lifted, I am not. Not yet anyway. What Im guessing is, that in his "monkey trying to hump a football" style of driving, he must have slid into me because his lane had 2 feet of snow in it.

Again, if he was in a LANE how was he ILLEGALLY passing you on the right? Hmmm...:freak3:

CF: Physical violence because some kid drove home before calling the cops? After getting cussed out and chased? How do we know the kid isn't right about who hit who? Or any of this other one-sided BS is true?

It sure would be nice to have the OTHER side of this story before drinking the Kool-aid, huh?

Clyde Frog

Full Access Member
Dec 13, 2009
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Central Mass
CF: Physical violence because some kid drove home before calling the cops? After getting cussed out and chased? How do we know the kid isn't right about who hit who? Or any of this other one-sided BS is true?

It sure would be nice to have the OTHER side of this story before drinking the Kool-aid, huh?

IC, I think you missed the sarcasm in the beating comment. (It goes with the ass whipping list before)

Do I think anybody should initiate violence? No.
Do I think that kid's dad should give him a good screaming at about being a courteous driver? Absolutely. Whether or not he was safely passing/legally, his vehicle did in fact come into contact with another vehicle and he failed to stop to exchange. If he felt the OP was aggressive in behavior, he could have pulled over and waited for an officer to arrive to assist with preserving the peace during the exchange. If he still felt unsafe with that, he could have slowed down enough to get the plate number for the vehicle he came into contact with, get off of the exit and park at a hidden or heavily trafficked public area to call local PD, advise them of what had happened, and wait for an officer to arrive.

If he was afraid of being chased, why would he lead the OP right to his house? Why wouldn't he drive to a highly trafficked public area where his vehicle 1) would easily blend in with others (grocery store, shopping mall) or 2) wouldn't be sitting right in front of his house to which the chaser could later return and inflict damage to his vehicle or his home? Worst case scenario, continue driving, leading the chaser in circles, call PD to advise of location and DOT, and wait for them to arrive before he stops.

Sure, the kid's story could differ with what exactly was said or happened but I suspect it won't differ much from the OP's given I'm 98% positive I know exactly which truck he is talking about and have seen the aggressive, forceful way the individual drives first hand. Even without that portion, the above points about the several ways he could have safely exchanged with even an aggressive OP remain valid.

Sorry but I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on this one.
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Full Access Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Bristol, CT USA
Hey incommando... whats your deal?
I can only ass-u-me from your posts and profile that your an old bitter man who thinks that the road belongs to you when your on it. Do you spend your day looking out your window yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off your lawn?
You have mentioned the other kids side of the story and the drinking of my kool-aid.
What could the other side of the story possibly be?
Is it, I don't feel like obeying the law?
Or could it be, F every one else, Ill just hit anyone I want and take off?
Or, I have my girlfriend/boyfriend on my mind so no one elses safety matters because I'm young and dumb?
There is no excuse for breaking multiple laws and then trying to run away from the consequences of his actions.
I almost believe your related to this kid.
Heres some kool-aid for ya to drink.

Connecticut Code - Sec. 14-233. Passing on right.
Sec. 14-233. Passing on right. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle only when conditions permit such movement in safety and under the following conditions: (1) When the vehicle overtaken is making or has signified the intention to make a left turn; (2) when lines of vehicles traveling in the same direction in adjoining traffic lanes have come to a stop or have reduced their speed; (3) upon a one-way street free from obstructions and of sufficient width for two or more lines of moving vehicles; (4) upon a limited access highway or parkway free from obstructions with three or more lanes provided for traffic in one direction. Such movement shall not be made by driving off the pavement or main-traveled portion of the highway except where lane designations, signs, signals or markings provide for such movement. Violation of any provision of this section shall be an infraction.


Full Access Member
Apr 30, 2009
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Cleveland, OH
incommando - you are the reason these kids get away with ******. You give them the entitlement, and room to breathe. You are the cop saying "well, he is only 17, and that would be really ******* him." You are the reason why justice is not properly served. I support drawnon fully in his actions. "Pussification" of America starts at the top and bleeds down to our youth, considering how impressionable they are at a young age. It is clear that most other users on this forum agree with how the situation was handled. Although, they should agree, considering this is a 4x4 jeep forum, not a quilting circle.


Jul 15, 2005
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SW Ohio
Actually, I am the guy with far more experience dealing with people and human nature than average. I have a distinct impression of drawnon, as he does of me, that leads me to suspect his story. I have heard such BS many, many times before.

Case in point: He repeatedly talks about the kid passing IN A LANE and ,when pressed repeatedly, cites a passage dealing primarily with passing on the right where no lane exists and ignores what allows the kid to pass: The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle.... S2) when lines of vehicles traveling in the same direction in adjoining traffic lanes have come to a stop or have reduced their speed. We have all experienced people who think that if THEY feel you can only go 5 mph, everyone else must bow to their belief and anyone who does not is a crazed maniac. In fact, left lane squatters are probably the greatest cause of road rage but think they are innocent. Reading the OP, had drawnon REDUCED IS SPEED below the max allowable?

I know I am assuming some knowledge on the part of the reader in understanding the code, but use common sense:
2 lanes of travel all going East. Doof in far left lane is traveleing at 30 in a 55. do the people in the right lane have to stack up out of fear of passing the doof? Not at all. Why is it different if the speeds are 5 and 20? Legally it is not.

There is a distinction between LINES of travel and LANES of travel. even if a road is not marked for multiple LANES travelling in the same direction, sufficient width may be present to provded multiple LINES of travel. In such cases this passage sets guidelines for when you can utilize said LINE of travel. even drawn on states he was in a LANE, eliminating most of the passage cited.

If the road is snow covered, whose word is gospel about who left their own marked LANE if the markings are obscured? The hothead? Not automatically in my book. Maybe drawnon got passed by the plow blade, freaked upon seeing it, and moved right, causing contact?

drawnon claimed the he and the kid exchanged curses in the middle of the 1 second contact :)favorites68:), which pissed off drawnon and caused him to chase down kid, block him in, and confront him; not just get what he needed and contact the authorities. This would have avoided all conflict here. Sometimes when you go looking for trouble, you find it. And cause it. Then through dillusion or deliberate intent you set about making yourself seem like an innocent lamb.

Excusing the kid? Not at all. He was cited, just as he would have been had Drawnon taken a more mature response. When did I say the kid should not have been cited for the accident if probable cause exits? Or did I point out that, due to the circumstances cited here and barring an admission by the kid, a conviction without independent witnesses is unlikely??? Does what he did make it H&R under the circumstances described? Not in Ohio, but as I said it may or may not there. Nothing to say that it was or wasn't is provided.

An inexperienced 17 yr old being cussed at and chased may wish to go to a place of safety. It is clear from even the lopsided account here that drawnon is the aggressor in the deliberate acts, not the lack of due care he claims the kid engaged in. Without drawnon's actions there would not have been the commotion even he admits to. A mature civilized response would have eliminated all of that, and in the end left drawnon in the exact same position he is in now, but without the commotion.:waytogo:
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Full Access Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Bristol, CT USA
You missed the most important part of the quoted law.
The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle only when conditions permit such movement in safety


Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
SW Ohio
How could he anticipate you freaking out about seeing the plow blade and moving into him? Do I know that is what happened? Absolutely not. But it is just as likely as any other scenario put forth here. Especially considering neither driver, as demonstrated by the story told, is overly mature and rational.

Maybe if some squatter wasn't blocking the left lane, and was in the right lane as such people should be? hmmm.... I know, you were poking along 'cause the little woman wanted it that way, but you also have a duty to other drivers not to impede traffic by hogging the left lane.
People who are afraid to drive in the winter should move where there is none.

Sorry. But to me the pussification (lol) of America includes people who are afraid to drive because there is snow.... If the OP had the ability to drive a reasonable speed as well there would never have been contact. Self-tyled "safe" drivers are like typhoid mary: the cause the harm even if they don't display the symptoms.
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