New Member
Hello there all! I am a recent purchaser of a 2005 Liberty Sport. Manual T and pretty much a blank slate as far as mods and upgrades go. I am new to the Jeep world and am really enjoying it so far. I do wish I had spent the extra $ and got the 4-wheel drive (its ok to laugh at me) but its my first jeep and won't be my last! I guess if I were to ask a couple questions of you more knowledgeable enthusiasts they would be: I know my suspension and coils are probably shot and I need to replace them soon. Any recommendations/advice on brand, cost-friendly options, and difficulty of job? Also when I put it in 1st sometimes it just slips out of gear to neutral with a somewhat disconcerting POP. Any idea what can cause this?? It doesn't do that in any other gear. Has caused me to start out in 2nd 99% of the time to avoid it.
Thanks and I look forward to being apart of this community!
Thanks and I look forward to being apart of this community!