I recently bought a 2006 CRD and installed a pioneer f90bt. I took a video of the install hoping it will help future members. I will be adding a how to for the amplifier bypass also.
2003 - 2007 Jeep Liberty Double Din Install How to - YouTube
I just used your video last week to install a double din Kenwood and it worked out awesome. Funny thing is I found your video searching YouTube, then I see it posted here...
Only thing I did different is: I did not need to cut the top plastic part near the hazard switch mount.
Also, I just grounded the "Parking" wire to a screw on the side of the stereo, so it will play a DVD anytime.
One question though: Did you have as much trouble as I did removing the lower plastic piece after it was cut? What kind of adhesive did they use?
Anyway, great video and going with the new bezel kit was well worth the $140 I paid.