New Member
Indiana LOST Meet & Greet - We'll get to know each other, have some food and drink, check out each other's mods, etc.
Indy's Historic Steer-In --- They have lots of stuff for $4-8. Alcohol extra.
5130 E. 10th. St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46219
Phone: 317-356-0996
When: Saturday, February 6th, 2010 at 2:00 pm - I'm planning to be there at 1:30 pm.
I contacted the manager of the Steer-In today and he said he'd be happy to accommodate us. He said they wouldn't mind us being in there as long as we want. I basically wanted to make sure they wouldn't mind 8 or 10 people milling around in the parking lot for hours (in case we're out there checking out each others mods or something) and he said it was no problem. They have a regular motorcycle club fill the parking lot often and other things like that. He even said they could rope off a little section of the lot for us ahead of time so we could park together and make things a little easier for us.
So officially the plan is 2-5 pm (we don't have to rush off, but I believe their dinner crowd starts rolling in then) on Saturday, February 6th. I'm going to post something over in the Ohio section as some of them are close, as well as on jeep kj country. It would be easiest to keep the sign up sheet here though.
I'd like to give the restaurant a head count by the Thursday prior (4th) so if you can sign up by then that would help, but it's not that critical.
Sign up List @ LOST:
Indiana LOST Meet & Greet - We'll get to know each other, have some food and drink, check out each other's mods, etc.
Indy's Historic Steer-In --- They have lots of stuff for $4-8. Alcohol extra.
5130 E. 10th. St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46219
Phone: 317-356-0996
When: Saturday, February 6th, 2010 at 2:00 pm - I'm planning to be there at 1:30 pm.
I contacted the manager of the Steer-In today and he said he'd be happy to accommodate us. He said they wouldn't mind us being in there as long as we want. I basically wanted to make sure they wouldn't mind 8 or 10 people milling around in the parking lot for hours (in case we're out there checking out each others mods or something) and he said it was no problem. They have a regular motorcycle club fill the parking lot often and other things like that. He even said they could rope off a little section of the lot for us ahead of time so we could park together and make things a little easier for us.
So officially the plan is 2-5 pm (we don't have to rush off, but I believe their dinner crowd starts rolling in then) on Saturday, February 6th. I'm going to post something over in the Ohio section as some of them are close, as well as on jeep kj country. It would be easiest to keep the sign up sheet here though.
I'd like to give the restaurant a head count by the Thursday prior (4th) so if you can sign up by then that would help, but it's not that critical.
Sign up List @ LOST:
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