ARBs 1.5" measurement, basically across the board, on springs labeled 1.5" , are AU insurance regulation certed springs , this includes , 2926, 2927, 2790 2947 and 2948 in addition to the KK springs 2731** . ** Is a footnote I'll come back to, all of those springs are listed as 1.5" for au ins purposes - they're not allowed to sell higher than that in au - with specific loadouts (which are very rarely ever the actual loadout) or the springs intended loadout, 1.5 is what you'd get, 2927 is basically used as a gasser 3" , loadout wise is basically a crd 1.5, 2790 gasser +winch for 3, is technically a crd +winch and massive bullbar and probably a few kangaroos on the hood for 1.5, the 2948 , I guess would need a 6000lb caravan on it to be 1.5 but from what I understand, that's how they shimmyed it through au regs. 2731**note - the last time I used 2731 they measured on the vehicle with no cargo, no extra isos and the vehicle slightly nose high, like 2.25" - I don't remember but I may have mentioned that in the previous post. It's been awhile, and when I did that lift, I have no way of knowing how long the springs had sat on the shelf, they may have been there a year or three, or may have just came off of a international flight and had been manufactured the month prior, I have no way of knowing. ARB may have changed the spring from like 2.25 to 1.5 - when they do that though, they typically create a new part number. It's simple enough to trim in additional lift - but more in line with your initial reaction, had I installed them and they measured 1.5" instead of 2.25+, I'd have been calling ARB - and if they stuck to "oh they're supposed to be 1.5", I guess I would have had to accept that , at least on the surface, and my follow up question, would have been, well , do you have a spring that is the same or close to the same diameter, with the same coil rate and longer free length, or something along that line, and attempted to find an alternative coil that would result in 2.5 or whatever the goal was - it may not have resulted in a find, it's easier to go to 4, 6, etc in alternative coils, than it is 1.5 to 2.5, but it's also possible to chop a longer coil that's an appropriate rate and use it as a lower lift too, so that would have been my next step if necessary.