Use a dye in the coolant and pressure test
right me and my brother have been all over the engine and just cant find this leak now my wayer light is coming on and im needed to top it up but the leak seems more like oil?? check gearbox and engine oil both reading are fine the drip seem to be running from above the gearbox as the start motor is plastered aswell im at a loss now
2.8 auto kj 2004
I think the only thing that is going to help you is to purchase or borrow a cooling system pressure tester, and add dye, (preferably the kind that shows up under ultra violet light) to the coolant to see where the leak is coming from.
You first need to pressure wash the entire engine/transmission, and start by spraying engine degreaser on a warm engine. Stay away from directly spraying delicate electrical components and the air intake. Once the engine is clean, let it cool completely before opening the cooling system pressure cap, (safety always!), and add the dye to the coolant. Replace the cap and run the engine for a couple of minutes to mix the dye with the coolant, but before the engine gets hot. Remove the pressure cap again, and add the pressure tester cap. Pressurize the system and you should find where the leak is.
Cooling system pressure testers used to be expensive, but now they are made in China and are of reasonable quality. Or, I am sure you can find a used one online.