5W-30 Syntec...gotcha. Pennzoil Platinum and M1 are also excellent choices. Which oil filter did ya go with?
Sorry, yeah, I stuck to the Jeep mfd weight. Some of you guys in super-cold or super-hot climates are gonna go outside of the recommended regimen.
I went with the NAPA Gold filter. Not really because I had read anything on it, I just looked at the box and thought (yes, admittedly according to the hype on the front) that it seemed like a good choice. It has the bypass valve in it which I thought was sexy. You know, in case the incredibly rare 'filter collapse' issue ever reared its head. Since switching out this weekend I've read some reviews which say it's a pretty good filter.
Honestly, it's one of those things where the price difference between the cheap-o bottom of the line and the high end is so minimal, you might as well go high end. Normally about a $8 filter-- it was on sale for $4.