-45C coldest place on the planet killed my power steering 
Plugged it in (battery warmer & block heater) and it started and drove around like normal for most of my 30 minute drive to work.
After a bunch of highway driving I made a turn off to exit highway and noticed the steering wheel started wobbling and the front end was making a popping/knocking sound. I stopped off somewhere and thought it was a wheel coming off, or 4x4 related since I was in 4Hi, or a balljoint/tie rod maybe let go. I didn’t see anything detached and lug nuts were tight, but some fluid was dripping toward the front mainly around the steering bellow/boot on passenger side. Steering also has been a bit loose feeling and now has no power to it.
I can still drive it but it’s heavy steering obviously. Once moving it’s easy and lots of snow/ice so that also helps. I’ll be parking it soon.
After searching I want to say that it’s steering rack, but I may check through the simpler stuff first…like the lower pressure line? Either way it’s too cold here to do work to this, but I’m going to start looking for parts. Might just overhaul entire steering system since lots of stuff has to be removed to work on the system anyway from the looks of what I can dig up.
Also at 250k miles.
Plugged it in (battery warmer & block heater) and it started and drove around like normal for most of my 30 minute drive to work.
After a bunch of highway driving I made a turn off to exit highway and noticed the steering wheel started wobbling and the front end was making a popping/knocking sound. I stopped off somewhere and thought it was a wheel coming off, or 4x4 related since I was in 4Hi, or a balljoint/tie rod maybe let go. I didn’t see anything detached and lug nuts were tight, but some fluid was dripping toward the front mainly around the steering bellow/boot on passenger side. Steering also has been a bit loose feeling and now has no power to it.
I can still drive it but it’s heavy steering obviously. Once moving it’s easy and lots of snow/ice so that also helps. I’ll be parking it soon.
After searching I want to say that it’s steering rack, but I may check through the simpler stuff first…like the lower pressure line? Either way it’s too cold here to do work to this, but I’m going to start looking for parts. Might just overhaul entire steering system since lots of stuff has to be removed to work on the system anyway from the looks of what I can dig up.
Also at 250k miles.