Light replacement
Not difficult to do but must follow sequence. 1. remove driver side pull handle (pull plastic plugs & 2 torx or 2 7mm screws), 2. remove two snap in rectangular trim pieces (one on each side of column) at bottom of instrument bezel, 3. pull up on 40" wide trim panel under bottom edge of windshield - snaps in 4. this exposes 4 7mm screws that hold instrument bezel on dash. remove 4 screws and bezel. 5. remove 4 screws that hold in the instrument cluster 6. unplug cables to cluster and remove. lights twist out in the back.
Warning: make sure to identify all the lights that are burned out before you start or test each one or you will repeat the job to get them all. Also the bulbs are special - not available at local parts stores. I had to resort to parts Liberty's but you can get them at the dealer or on the web.