Rear brake noise, heat, smoke?

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Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
Thanks man, I will tell you, it is absolutely exhausting, I'm preparing my speech for the owner, E-mailing Chrysler (which I know is useless, but it does go on record), all while I am supposed to be outside gathering firewood to keep the oil man away. My own fault for not gathering it in the fall but I had to fullfil my wife's dream by building her a barn for our new horses. The same horses I am taking care of while she is away on business all week. And our 6 and 8 year old boys, three large dogs! :-({|= Seriously, this battle crap stinks and I can see why most just take the abuse belly up. Thanks to all for your support, this is a great group.


Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
Planet Earth
zerowick said:
Thanks man, I will tell you, it is absolutely exhausting, I'm preparing my speech for the owner, E-mailing Chrysler (which I know is useless, but it does go on record), all while I am supposed to be outside gathering firewood to keep the oil man away. My own fault for not gathering it in the fall but I had to fullfil my wife's dream by building her a barn for our new horses. The same horses I am taking care of while she is away on business all week. And our 6 and 8 year old boys, three large dogs! :-({|= Seriously, this battle crap stinks and I can see why most just take the abuse belly up. Thanks to all for your support, this is a great group.

WOW! eek.gif You sure do have your hands full. Too bad you're not anywhere near me, or i'd give you a hand.


Full Access Member
Sep 19, 2004
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zerowick said:
Thanks man, I will tell you, it is absolutely exhausting, I'm preparing my speech for the owner, E-mailing Chrysler (which I know is useless, but it does go on record), all while I am supposed to be outside gathering firewood to keep the oil man away. My own fault for not gathering it in the fall but I had to fullfil my wife's dream by building her a barn for our new horses. The same horses I am taking care of while she is away on business all week. And our 6 and 8 year old boys, three large dogs! :-({|= Seriously, this battle crap stinks and I can see why most just take the abuse belly up. Thanks to all for your support, this is a great group.

I am tired after just reading about all that you are doing whistle


Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
Meeting with owner tomorrow at 9:00 it all written down so I don't forget anything....stay tuned...peace


Sep 13, 2004
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Planet Earth
hmmmm....a Saturday appointment. Most dealers don't do appointments for ANYTHING on Saturdays......he must really want to make things up to you. Lookin forward to the response.


Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
I arrived at the dealer nice and early this morning at 8:40 for my 9:00 with the owner. When he arrived we proceded to his huge office where he seemed pleasant enough and didn't have that cheesy salesman aire about him but instead seemed like a down to earth guy. I asked him to listen to me while I read a prepared statement. After three full typed pages of my account with the service department the owner was surprisingly still awake and responded by saying he agreed things had gone wrong. He then praised Mr. Jerk Service Manager for doing such a wonderful job at his dealership and also praised the Service Monkey for great performance. For the owner to say this after hearing my statement was very disappointing to me but not unexpected. He agreed the faulty caliper should not have been overlooked but those things happen. To which I replied that it's an obvious sign of a greater issue when the rear pads are worn and cracked ot only 17,000 miles on a car with almost new rubber driven by a 58 year old woman. And I told him even after new pads and rotors the brakes were still smoking when my mother got home after picking the Jeep up right after installation. She called the Service Dept. and they said that was normal. The owner still was not impressed and just said these things happen. Again, I said the brakes are not a very sophisticated area of auto repair and this sort of problem should not have been overlooked, especially when proper brake operation are vital to driver safety. He still just repeated that some problems can slip by. At this point I sadly realized that he was 100% behind his filthy employees and instead of having another heated discussion I decided to stay calm and cordial and just ask for a buy out of the extended warrany through the dealer because my Mother would not longer be doing business there and the $244 from the first brake repair where they over looked the caliper. The owner didn't have a problem with the $244 but said he could only pay back a portion of the warranty because it started on the day of purchase. I said the warranty doesn't pick up untill the factory is over and I don't care what the fine print says, I want a full refund. He said well that's not the way it works. So I said it's like me giving him $50 a year ago and him giving me back $50 today, I'm not asking for anything that wasn't already given to him. I said my Mother deserves a full refund. He then said , "Why?". My blood started to boil and I dug deep to remain calm and looked him straight in the eyes and said, because of this, and I pointed to the letter and my kids that were there because my wife was still away. I said my kids could have been in that Jeep. I said I was not seeking leagal action or contacting Chrysler, but this is a serious safety issue and questioned if he could comprehend that. I was extremely upset at this point and apoligized for my strong emotion towards defending my Mother and he said he could see I was upset and would take care of my Mother as I wanted. Whew!!! I'll let you all know when my Mother gets her check.


Sep 13, 2004
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Planet Earth
Well, glad to hear you got somewhere. It's not over till your mother has that check and it's cleared the bank. Hope everything goes smooth from here.

Typical dealerships........

If there are anymore prolblems from this point on (like the check doesn't show up, or they try to stiff her), I would definately consider legal action. Get a lawyer, go on the local news consumer reports programs, make others in the area aware of what this dealership does to their customers. Then see the kind of reaction you get from them......but take things one step at a time.


Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
Thanks Tim, it's amazing how many people have also had a bad experience with HADDAD, or know someone who has, but they still seem to be doing well. Thing is, I live in an area where there is not a lot of competition so they have the market cornered in a sense. Eventually their reputation will catch up to them. About the check, I too will believe it when I see it. 8-[


Full Access Member
Sep 17, 2004
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I think at this point I would file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. If you need help with it, let me know, I've done it before. You can do it online. I did a quick lookup on them, and found this:

Customer Experience

Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record with the Bureau. 

To have a "satisfactory" record with the Bureau, a company must be in business for at least 12 months, properly and promptly address matters referred to it by the Bureau, and be free from an unusual volume or pattern of complaints and law enforcement action involving its marketplace conduct. In addition, the Bureau must have a clear understanding of the company's business and no concerns about its industry. 

Complaints processed by the Bureau in its three year reporting period have been resolved. The number and type of complaints are not unusual for a company in this industry.

So either they've not gotten complaints, or they've all been handled to the satisfication of those involved. They're NOT a member of the better business bureau tho, so who knows.

Best of luck, please keep us posted. Tell your mom you've got a lot of supporters out there who are rooting for her to "win"! (or at least break even)



Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
Thanks for the info Blu. No check as of today, my Mother had some plumbing issues at home so she left work early and was preoccupied. Although it's not too hard to just pull in and talk with the owner, it's on her way. I assured her there was no need for confrontation or even conversation on her part and I did all the leg work, she just has to get the check herself. Thanks again. =D>


Sep 13, 2004
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67°20'N 14°40'E
BluPhant said:
Best of luck, please keep us posted. Tell your mom you've got a lot of supporters out there who are rooting for her to "win"! (or at least break even)



yep...let us know if and when it comes..
and u should get in touch with the BBB....
they shouldnt get away with such customer treatment
whatever happened to customer satisfaction eh?


Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
Someone from the County Sherrif's office hand delivered me a "No Trespassing Order" from Haddad Motors today. I can no longer step foot on the dealership property. How can it be so easy for them to do that? Not that I care to ever go there, but it bothers me that it was done. My Mother still hasn't received a check yet. Any lawyers out there? ](*,)


Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
Planet Earth
zerowick said:
Someone from the County Sherrif's office hand delivered me a "No Trespassing Order" from Haddad Motors today. I can no longer step foot on the dealership property. How can it be so easy for them to do that? Not that I care to ever go there, but it bothers me that it was done. My Mother still hasn't received a check yet. Any lawyers out there? ](*,)

So you can't step foot on the property any more. Big Deal!!!! Like you said, not that you'd want to ever go there. But that doesn't mean you can't pick up the phone and keep calling them to find out what happened to this check. What are they going to do, keep you from picking up your own phone???????


Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
yeah, talked to my lawyer and he said it's not on my record and it's no big deal. they could have mailed the letter but had the sheriff deliver it for added drama. It's just a note from an attorney's office. Still pretty obnoxious.


Full Access Member
Oct 5, 2004
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Near Indy
zerowick said:
yeah, talked to my lawyer and he said it's not on my record and it's no big deal. they could have mailed the letter but had the sheriff deliver it for added drama. It's just a note from an attorney's office. Still pretty obnoxious.

What a waste of police resources! mad.gif

At least you cost them some money. rollinglaugh.gif


Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
Hi guys, my Mother has not yet received that check, playing phone tag with owner. He could just mail it with a copy of the canceled contract but that would be too simple. I have been calling the dealership and e-mailing them almost daily. I am trying to get the phone number for the District Service Rep. for Jeep from Haddad but they won't give it up, in fact the General Manager hung up on me today stating he is no longer doing business with me. I've contacted Chrysler and they called my Mother and said themselves that she has to contact the Dealer for the number of the Service Rep. The General Manager of Haddad called my Mother today only after she left a message and gave her the number of Chrysler Customer Service. I called Haddad and left a voice mail because that guy won't talk to me and told him that was a nice try giving my Mother the Customer Service number but by refusing to properly fix the Jeep and then refusing to give up the DSR number he is bringing this issue to a whole new level and he is stacking up evidence against Haddad. The owner's voice mail claims he is out for the entire week. I'll be on the phone first thing in the morning and keep you all posted. Seems as though they have plenty to hide. As someone said before, they can't stop me from picking up the phone and I will not be ignored. O:)


Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
Planet Earth
zerowick said:
Hi guys, my Mother has not yet received that check, playing phone tag with owner. He could just mail it with a copy of the canceled contract but that would be too simple. I have been calling the dealership and e-mailing them almost daily. I am trying to get the phone number for the District Service Rep. for Jeep from Haddad but they won't give it up, in fact the General Manager hung up on me today stating he is no longer doing business with me. I've contacted Chrysler and they called my Mother and said themselves that she has to contact the Dealer for the number of the Service Rep. The General Manager of Haddad called my Mother today only after she left a message and gave her the number of Chrysler Customer Service. I called Haddad and left a voice mail because that guy won't talk to me and told him that was a nice try giving my Mother the Customer Service number but by refusing to properly fix the Jeep and then refusing to give up the DSR number he is bringing this issue to a whole new level and he is stacking up evidence against Haddad. The owner's voice mail claims he is out for the entire week. I'll be on the phone first thing in the morning and keep you all posted. Seems as though they have plenty to hide. As someone said before, they can't stop me from picking up the phone and I will not be ignored. O:)

More power to ya!!!

This really isn't fair at all. They should not be taking advantage of your mother like this. How do they expect repeat business with customer service like this????

I think you've reached a new level here. I honestly think it's time to go public with this. Contact your local news stations and give them a brief overview of what the situation is and what's been going on, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to do a good story on it. And contact them all. If this little "issue" went public, then I bet they'd cut your mother a check faster than you can say the word check....LOL


Full Access Member
Feb 5, 2005
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Western MA
Yesterday I called the Gen. Man. at Haddad and left him a v/m to call my mother with the correct number for the DSM, not another wrong number. I sent a letter to the BBB. I called the Sales Manager who said the matter was above his head and to continue dealing with the owner directly. I got through to Chrysler and explained my case, the woman offered her sympathy and called Haddad while I waited on the line. She talked to the Service Asst. Man. and couldn't get the DSM # from him either. She said they are an independent businees and don't have to. I think I finally got Haddad's attention because both the Gen. Man. and the owner both called my mother to set up a meeting at their lawyer's office on Monday so they can give her the check and sign some papers. They also want me to attend to sign some release forms. I called the owner today and told him to have his lawyer fax those forms to my lawyer so he can look them over. They must want me to sign some sort of "Go away and keep your mouth shut" papers. Should be an interesting meeting.

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