Platinum Renegade
Oh yeah!
I've been working on a story board for the how to's.
Having been a graphic artist for a long long time it should be fun to pst "How to" articles.
I can only imagine the comments I'll br getting!
Yeah, the money adds up quickly!
I remember sitting down one evening with three binders full of receipts and tallying up the cost of my 1976 Mini build.
$54,986.96 and I am not entirely done with that car yet!
Another $9000.00 should be enough to really finish him!
I can only wonder just how much the KJ will cost when I go SFA on my (our!) KJ!!!
All you folks will see many Astrix attached to certain parts of my build.
Those are for all the bad words not excepted on these forums.
I'll email them upon request!
Take care Eh!
$54,986.96 and still going? thats alot man.... lol