GoldBug said:
now I know it's not a ton of mud but I've been sent to worse and if you mean to tell me that a CR-V or a Sportage would handle that much soft mud or come out looking that good (or come out on its own) or demand as much respect on a construction site as a wrangler or renny then I'll change my mind on getting a KJ. \

First gen Sportage, yes. They're actually not bad if you can get past the rattly interior and exhaust, and alternators every 2 years, lol. Second gen, I have doubts about, lol. It would have been stuck long ago. \

For future reference, ground clearance is measured under the lowest chassis component... usually under the pumpkin on the rear axle. No, suspension arms, mufflers or what ever else do not count.
For more info, see SAE J1100.