Dont worry bro u'll get there, livestrong! :-D What happened to you if you dont mind me asking, PM me if its too private?
No, it's not private. I'll tell everybody here. I don't mind!
I used to be an electrical engineering CATV tech for British Columbia's Cable Access Television company.
I got stuck in a crawl space about 16 inches high while I then went to pull some Coaxial cable and got stuck inbetween two Elevator shafts and after calling on my two way radio for two plus hours I realized that I was stuck!
I mean really stuck!
After three hours I realized that if I didn't get out between the 27th floor I would end up a new and up coming episode of CSI!
Well, I ripped something!
It was not my clothing!
I F**Ced up my left rib cage!
I managed to pull free and get out of that tight squeeze.
Stupid me,
I continued to to work for another couple of weeks and...
Then I had to go back and "fix" what obviously I didn't do properly the the first time!
Well, a lond story short... The same thing happened to me.
I got stuck again!
250 lbs and six foot five inches tall and a 16 inch crawl space didnt exactly work for me!
At the end of the day I ended up with severely major nerve damage in my front and rear rib cage.
An aggravated injury that just totally F*kced me up after a car accident in 1987 while waiting for two pedestrians to cross the street right in front of the Emergency department of the Richmond Hospital.
The guy who rear ended me was receiving a ******** from his passenger and while he got his rocks off... He rear ended me a 55 plus miles per hour!
My Mini (Which you can clearly see in my Avatar!) only received $800.00 damage!
I got the most of it!
Anyway, I really pooched myself in that crawl space!
I'm still alive!
I can still hug and kiss my 13 and 15 year old daughters and am still able to do most things!
Jen and I are trying to have a baby of our own!
(My two beautiful daughters are the only good thing that came from my previous marriage to my Ex "C U Next Time"!!!
It just takes me three times as long to accomplish anything these days!
But at least I can walk.
So, now I am stuck on a meager Government and Blue Cross disability pension.
Instead of earning $90,000.00 per year/ $7500.00 per month, I receive a joke of $1800.00 per month!
What a Fu King Joke!
Thats a $5700.00 per moth pay cut!
That Really Really Fu king bites!
So, that is what happened to me!
But, I have an awesome wife, A soon to be lifted nice KJ!
And good company here from the fellow KJ owners here on KJ Counrty!
They say... Lifes a *****, then you marry one!
I've been there and and no longer married to one!
My girl loves Jeeps!
What more could a gimp ask for?