both same height but 265-70s are wider
if staying with stock wheels go 245-75-16s, you will lose some power and gas mileage though if you do not regear but....
could go 255-70-16 bit shorter than above
Thanx once again Tom. I greatly value your guidance, experience/wisdome...
I'm not ready to mess with gearing (yet). Just looking to get good looking size tire w/o sacrificing power/milage. So that would be the 255-70-16's ?
Also while I have everything open and access I was thinking of doing the pinch weld mod.
I saw a nice write up HOW TO: Pound pinch welds, stop fender rubbing...
Discussion in 'How To' started by csukoh78, Dec 9, 2007. BUT Pictures on thread no longer show.
This write up on the pinch weld mod sounds clean and sounds not to look like a hack job like others I've seen...
Just the plastic melting /mending back to look like no cuts/seems confuses me... I'd like more info pictures to know what I'm REALLY doing...
Or would I even need to do that for the 255-70-16's ?