After watching an incredibly slow leak of...something oily from the center/drivers side of the front of the engine, I have now traced it with absolute certainty that it's coolant. I ran for a while strongly believing it was a weeping power steering hose, but I have now ruled that out. I traced an original drip from one of the bolts on the waterpump housing. I've got about 76k on the Libby now, so I figure a new waterpump wouldn't hurt.
What are the general opinions? If it's not a bad waterpump itself, is it wise to just replace the gasket? And if it's advised to replace the waterpump anyway, should I also go ahead and replace the T-Stat as well? Also, the price difference between the basic OEM pump and the super-heterodyne brand-name super-secret model made from space-aged material is about $30. Should I get the 'better' more expensive one, or just fly OEM on this mission?
What are the general opinions? If it's not a bad waterpump itself, is it wise to just replace the gasket? And if it's advised to replace the waterpump anyway, should I also go ahead and replace the T-Stat as well? Also, the price difference between the basic OEM pump and the super-heterodyne brand-name super-secret model made from space-aged material is about $30. Should I get the 'better' more expensive one, or just fly OEM on this mission?