I was quoted $3400.00 Canadian dollars installed for front and rear ARB Lockers/compressor and 4.10 gear sets...
I'm thinking this isn't too bad for Canadian dollars!
Mind you, I think I would keep the stock gear ratios as I think that 245-75-16 inch tires are the largest I will ever run.
Yes, 265-75's would be sweet, but I don't think I really need them.
I know some here have run an ARB in the rear and a Detroit locker in the front.
What are your folks opinion on an ARB/Detroit setup?
Was curious so stopped by my buddy's truck and transmission shop at lunch to get a ballpark (really just wanted to ask an exhaust question but why not). He said he had done a few Jeep diff rebuilds but never a KJ's. Rebuild and regear to 4.10 front and rear he told me around $2200 but that's without lockers which he said most guys source themselves anyway and show up with lockers/carriers for him.
I figure if I went the cheaper route Aussie front and Detroit rear instead of ARB I might be around your price from what I looked at today...
...maybe just a matter of getting the best parts you need yourself and shopping around for labour? The shop I went to had rebuild kits, shims and ring&pinion pricing about the same as online but some bits were more $. As for lockers he had no catalogue so not much to compare.
Doesn't look like my price range at the moment...
LottoMAX (like powerball for Canucks) here I come.