There is a lot to like about the Kj's in general. Talking construction, even for a uni-body they are very well built & heavy little 4x4 tanks.
Many may not realize that the entire body is anodized dipped /aluminum !
When I first got to Jeep lot, I kicked the tires, crawled under to have a look at the running gear, and said "Yup" this thing is solid & I can make it better!
So out for a test drive I went, I liked the simplicity, manual transfer case that shifted easily, and crawled very well. The next thing I knew I bought it, I was sold.
Once OME lifted correctly, good wider tires & accessorized, so much for the soccer Mom looking Vehicle !!
Next is ease of maintenance. It's great that you can actually lift the hood & work on it at home, if you are willing to get your hands dirty and a few scrapes lol.
The KJ's are very nice looking Jeeps & why so many ladies also like them as well.

They are easy to park & with the independent front suspension, turning radius is very good. Air down at bit off road & leave the SFA Wranglers in the dust ! (bye bye)
Even though I could go on for another 20 minutes about why I like my Jeep, they are a bit heavy on fuel but hey..You feel safe in one & You won't ever see me in a Rav 4