I was curious if anyone else has experienced this or knows anything about it. I have a 2003 KJ Sport with 3.7 engine. I purchased the Jeep used this past spring. Through the summer months I routinely recorded averages of 19 mpg on my daily route to work and back. Starting about a month ago I noticed my mpg had dropped to 17 mpg. I haden't changed my driving habits or the routes I usually take. Since that first reading I've checked it again several times, always with the same results, about 17 mpg. I've changed the filters and tried everything to no avail. I buddy of mine at work who is also a good mechanic, told me that the change to winter fuel blends was the culprit. I live in western PA. and know that every fall local gas stations always change to there winter formulas. I just wondered if what my friend suggested could be true, is it possible that the change over to winter blend fuel has caused my sudden drop in gas mileage? Any and all comments appreciated.