I don't know what all y'all have against spacer lifts...i've been in a '98 Wrangler that had them, and it rode fine. it would seem to me, as long as you have longer shocks on to prevent preloading of the coil, there should be no reason why the ride would be any harsher, or for the coil to sag any faster. i'm under the impression that much of what is said here is opinion and not fact (myself included).
i just don't see why everybody goes out and knocks the spacer lift and wants to sell "one" lift to everyone on here, regardless of the needs of each individual.
personally, i'm going for new OME coils up front, but this brings me to another point. everyone says you need "longer shocks" with the new OME coils....yet you all state to run 17505's....have any of you compared the compressed/extended lengths of the 17505 to the factory struts? i'm guessing not, because according to all the documentation i've found, the 17505 is the EXACT same as the factory strut.
moving on......while i'm putting new coils up front, i'm planning to put spacers in the rear....which isn't any different than all of you who are putting 2, 3, maybe 4 isolators in.
sorry to vent...but i've been reading and learning, and while i truly appreciate educated input, it bothers me to see some posts that merely state "OME's are the ONLY way to lift", but don't bother to give explanation as to why other than "spacer lifts kill your coils," which from my perspective, both of those are unsupported statements.
if i'm wrong, please don't just state it, i would honestly appreciate some supported information as to why. for example, if several of you have measured the factory strut compared to the rancho and they aren't the same...great, but please share that...don't just say it isn't so. also, for any of you who are going to come out and say that spacer lifts ride harsher, can you first answer whether you put longer shocks on too?
i hope this doesn't come off as condescending...i just want to stir up some good discussion about this subject, as i am always eager to learn, and when i do my lift, i will most definitely 'fess up if it *****....lol.