It's called "trust." One of the benefits of living in rural America. I've known Jack, the dealer, for 40 years. He has been a friend, a customer (floors) and I've been his customer (various businesses) many, many times over those years. He also has an excellent return policy. If I find any problems, I know I can return the vehicle for a full refund or repair (the refund is good for 7 days and he won't sell my trade-in until after that time).
Not everything you've heard about used car dealers is true.

Maybe in the big city... :shrug:
Anyway... lookin' forward to hanging with you guys and learning what I can from your experiences and wisdom. I won't be wrenchin' much because of my health, but that won't make me less an enthusiast. There are some great mechanics here because this is 4WD country.
One thing I noticed different from driving my previous ride. That car had a beefed up suspension and horse power and I really loved driving the twisty paved roads around here. But driving aggressively in the Liberty requires a boost in oxygen - instead of 3 or 4 LPM, I need to crank the regulator up to 4 or 5. It's
that exciting. I'll just have to remember to take a couple more tanks with me. :gr_grin: