Recent content by Cromeo

  1. Cromeo

    Need second set of keys.

    Figured out... :pp:
  2. Cromeo

    Need second set of keys.

    How do you program your new key, if you have the 2 masters.?. 06 lib sport
  3. Cromeo

    Roof rack w/ light bar idea, input?

    Man that looks cool.. Can you share the measurments with us? How are you thinking about painting? I built a duck blind for my boat with conduit. I heated it with a torch to nock the glaze of so the paint would stick.... But the rack would be alot of torch time, and I might be afraid I...
  4. Cromeo

    Roof rack w/ light bar idea, input?

    Oooo Keep the pics comming... Im impressed! Great job, sweet ride
  5. IMG 2021

    IMG 2021

  6. IMG 2030

    IMG 2030

  7. IMG 2020

    IMG 2020

  8. IMG 2010

    IMG 2010

  9. IMG 2016

    IMG 2016

  10. Adventure


  11. Cromeo


    OK Guys, I need to pull 12v power into my cab, but I need it to turn off when I turn the key off... Any Ideas where to hook up at?
  12. Cromeo

    Need a lil help

    I noticed that my Cig lighter has no power.. looked up old post for help, and found a 20amp blown fuse.. I replaced it, and still no power.. New fuse still ok... what am I missing.. #3 fuse 06 sport
  13. Cromeo


    Got it mounted....10.9 Bolts...Looks tough
  14. Cromeo


    Sweet, thanks for all the info...Now I just got to slap er on!
  15. Cromeo


    Na Valley... is there a big diff?

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