Recent content by joeard

  1. Taking some air out....

    Taking some air out....

  2. If only you were there....

    If only you were there....

  3. Stock Libby can do great things!

    Stock Libby can do great things!

  4. Backside of Mt. Lemmon

    Backside of Mt. Lemmon

    Just rolling around finding out what the stock libby can do!
  5. 5681.jpg


  6. 5682.jpg


  7. I have a feeling that muffler isn't going to last long.

    I have a feeling that muffler isn't going to last long.

  8. 5679.jpg


  9. 5680.jpg


  10. Impressed.


  11. Pretty tech, super fun.

    Pretty tech, super fun.

  12. Fresh after a rain.

    Fresh after a rain.

  13. Our for a drive!

    Our for a drive!

    Seeing the places my stock liberty will go!
  14. J

    Manual Transmission NV1500

    Inside most modern gearboxes, the synchros actually have friction material on multiple surfaces inside the gear assembly. They are like this to give the syncro more "stopping power" or in other words, make the gear set stop better for less grinding in between gear shifts. Hope this helps!
  15. J

    manual gear shifter problem

    Any fix yet? I know this post is old, but I am also having this same issue. Any info would be great!

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